dolibarr  x.y.z
class Directory Reference


file  antivir.class.php [code]
 File of class to scan viruses.
file  canvas.class.php [code]
 File of class to manage canvas.
file  ccountry.class.php [code]
 This file is a CRUD class file (Create/Read/Update/Delete) for c_country dictionary.
file  cgenericdic.class.php [code]
file  CMailFile.class.php [code]
 Copyright (C) Dan Potter Copyright (C) Eric Seigne Copyright (C) 2000-2005 Rodolphe Quiedeville rodol.nosp@m.phe@.nosp@m.quied.nosp@m.evil.nosp@m.le.or.nosp@m.g Copyright (C) 2003 Jean-Louis Bergamo jlb@j.nosp@m.1b.o.nosp@m.rg Copyright (C) 2004-2015 Laurent Destailleur Copyright (C) 2005-2012 Regis Houssin Copyright (C) 2019-2022 Frédéric France
file  commondocgenerator.class.php [code]
 File of parent class for documents generators.
file  commonincoterm.class.php [code]
 File of the superclass of object classes that support incoterm (customer and supplier)
file  commoninvoice.class.php [code]
 File of the superclass of invoices classes (customer and supplier)
file  commonobject.class.php [code]
 File of parent class of all other business classes (invoices, contracts, proposals, orders, ...)
file  commonobjectline.class.php [code]
 File of the superclass of classes of lines of business objects (invoice, contract, proposal, orders, etc.
file  commonorder.class.php [code]
 File of the superclass of orders classes (customer and supplier)
file  commonstickergenerator.class.php [code]
 generate pdf document with labels or cards in Avery or custom format
file  conf.class.php [code]
 File of class to manage storage of current setup Config is stored into file conf.php.
file  cproductnature.class.php [code]
 This file is CRUD class file (Create/Read/Update/Delete) for c_units dictionary.
file  CSMSFile.class.php [code]
 File of class to send sms.
file  cstate.class.php [code]
 This file is a CRUD class file (Create/Read/Update/Delete) for c_departements dictionary.
file  ctypent.class.php [code]
 This file is CRUD class file (Create/Read/Update/Delete) for c_typent dictionary.
file  ctyperesource.class.php [code]
file  cunits.class.php [code]
 This file is CRUD class file (Create/Read/Update/Delete) for c_units dictionary.
file  defaultvalues.class.php [code]
 This file is a CRUD class file for DefaultValues (Create/Read/Update/Delete)
file  discount.class.php [code]
 File of class to manage absolute discounts.
file  doleditor.class.php [code]
 Class to manage a WYSIWYG editor.
file  dolexception.class.php [code]
 File of class for exceptions.
file  dolgeoip.class.php [code]
 File of class to manage module geoip.
file  dolgraph.class.php [code]
 File for class to generate graph.
file  dolreceiptprinter.class.php [code]
 Print receipt ticket on various ESC/POS printer.
file  emailsenderprofile.class.php [code]
 This file is a CRUD class file for EmailSenderProfile (Create/Read/Update/Delete)
file  evalmath.class.php [code]
 This file for Math evaluation.
file  events.class.php [code]
 File of class to manage security events.
file  extrafields.class.php [code]
 File of class to manage extra fields.
file  extralanguages.class.php [code]
 File of class to manage extra languages for some fields.
file  fileupload.class.php [code]
 File to return Ajax response on file upload.
file  fiscalyear.class.php [code]
 File of class to manage fiscal years.
file  genericobject.class.php [code]
 File of class of generic business class.
file  google.class.php [code]
 A set of functions for using Google APIs.
file  hookmanager.class.php [code]
 File of class to manage hooks.
file  html.form.class.php [code]
 File of class with all html predefined components.
file  html.formaccounting.class.php [code]
 ( )
file  html.formactions.class.php [code]
 File of class with predefined functions and HTML components.
file  html.formadmin.class.php [code]
 File of class for html functions for admin pages.
file  html.formbank.class.php [code]
 File of class with all html predefined components.
file  html.formbarcode.class.php [code]
 Fichier de la classe des fonctions predefinie de composants html.
file  html.formcategory.class.php [code]
 File of class to build HTML component for category filtering.
file  html.formcompany.class.php [code]
 File of class to build HTML component for third parties management.
file  html.formcontract.class.php [code]
 File of class with all html predefined components.
file  html.formcron.class.php [code]
 Fichier de la classe des fonctions predefinie de composants html cron.
file  html.formexpensereport.class.php [code]
 File of class with all html predefined components.
file  html.formfile.class.php [code]
 File of class to offer components to list and upload files.
file  html.formintervention.class.php [code]
 File of class with all html predefined components.
file  html.formldap.class.php [code]
 File of class with ldap html predefined components.
file  html.formmail.class.php [code]
 Fichier de la classe permettant la generation du formulaire html d'envoi de mail unitaire.
file  html.formmailing.class.php [code]
 File of predefined functions for HTML forms for mailing module.
file  html.formmargin.class.php [code]
 Fichier de la classe des fonctions predefinie de composants html autre.
file  html.formorder.class.php [code]
 File of predefined functions for HTML forms for order module.
file  html.formother.class.php [code]
 Fichier de la classe des fonctions predefinie de composants html autre.
file  html.formprojet.class.php [code]
 Class file for html component project.
file  html.formpropal.class.php [code]
 File of class with all html predefined components.
file  html.formsms.class.php [code]
 Fichier de la classe permettant la generation du formulaire html d'envoi de mail unitaire.
file  html.formsocialcontrib.class.php [code]
 File of class with all html predefined components.
file  html.formticket.class.php [code]
 File of class to generate the form for creating a new ticket.
file  html.formwebsite.class.php [code]
 File of class to manage component html for module website.
file  infobox.class.php [code]
 File of class to manage widget boxes.
file  interfaces.class.php [code]
 Fichier de la classe de gestion des triggers.
file  ldap.class.php [code]
 File of class to manage LDAP features.
file  menu.class.php [code]
 Fichier de la classe de gestion du menu gauche.
file  menubase.class.php [code]
 File of class to manage dynamic menu entries.
file  notify.class.php [code]
 File of class to manage notifications.
file  openid.class.php [code]
 Class to manage authentication with OpenId.
file  rssparser.class.php [code]
 File of class to parse RSS feeds.
file  smtps.class.php [code]
 Class to construct and send SMTP compliant email, even to a secure SMTP server, regardless of platform.
file  stats.class.php [code]
 Common class to manage statistics reports.
file  translate.class.php [code]
 File for Tanslate class.
file  utils.class.php [code]
 File for Utils class.
file  validate.class.php [code]
 File for Utils class.
file  vcard.class.php [code]
 Class to manage vCard files.
file  workboardresponse.class.php [code]
 Class that represents response of load_board functions.