73 $out .=
'<!-- Popup for mass barcode scanning -->'.
74 $out .=
'<div class="div-for-modal-topright" style="padding: 15px">';
75 $out .=
'<strong>Barcode scanner tool...</strong></center><br>';
77 if ($mode ==
'product') {
78 $out .=
'<input type="hidden" name="barcodemode" value="barcodeforproduct" id="barcodeforproduct">';
79 } elseif ($mode ==
'lot') {
80 $out .=
'<input type="hidden" name="barcodemode" value="barcodeforlotserial" id="barcodeforlotserial">';
82 $out .=
'<input type="radio" name="barcodemode" value="barcodeforautodetect" id="barcodeforautodetect" checked="checked"> <label for="barcodeforautodetect">Autodetect if we scan a product barcode or a lot/serial barcode</label><br>';
83 $out .=
'<input type="radio" name="barcodemode" value="barcodeforproduct" id="barcodeforproduct"> <label for="barcodeforproduct">Scan a product barcode</label><br>';
84 $out .=
'<input type="radio" name="barcodemode" value="barcodeforlotserial" id="barcodeforlotserial"> <label for="barcodeforlotserial">Scan a product lot or serial number</label><br>';
86 $stringaddbarcode = $langs->trans(
87 $htmltoreplaceby =
'<select name="selectaddorreplace"><option selected value="add">'.$langs->trans(
'</option><option value="replace">'.$langs->trans(
88 $stringaddbarcode = str_replace(
"tmphtml", $htmltoreplaceby, $stringaddbarcode);
89 $out .= $stringaddbarcode.
' <input type="text" name="barcodeproductqty" class="width50 right" value="1"><br>';
91 $out .=
'<textarea type="text" name="barcodelist" class="centpercent" autofocus rows="'.ROWS_3.
'" placeholder="'.
101 $out .=
'<input type="submit" class="button marginleftonly marginrightonly" id ="exec'.dol_escape_js($jstoexecuteonadd).
'" name="addscan" value="'.
102 $out .=
'<input type="submit" class="button marginleftonly marginrightonly" name="cancel" value="'.dol_escape_htmltag($langs->trans(
105 $out .=
'<div type="text" id="scantoolmessage" class="scantoolmessage ok nopadding"></div>';
108 $out .=
'jQuery("#barcodeforautodetect, #barcodeforproduct, #barcodeforlotserial").click(function(){';
109 $out .=
'console.log("select choice");';
110 $out .=
112 $out .=
113 console.log("We call js to execute \''.
114 '.dol_escape_js($jstoexecuteonadd).'();
115 return false; /* We want to stay on the scan tool */
125 // phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.ScopeNotCamelCaps
136 public function select_export_model($selected = '', $htmlname = 'exportmodelid', $type = '', $useempty = 0, $fk_user = null)
139 global $conf, $langs, $user;
141 $sql = "SELECT
rowid, label, fk_user
142 $sql .= " FROM
143 $sql .= " WHERE
type =
144 if (empty($conf->global->EXPORTS_SHARE_MODELS)) { // EXPORTS_SHARE_MODELS means all templates are visible, whatever is owner.
145 $sql .= " AND fk_user IN (0,
".((int) $fk_user).")
147 $sql .= " ORDER BY label
148 $result = $this->db->query($sql);
150 print '<select class="flat minwidth200
" name="'.$htmlname.'" id="'.$htmlname.'">';
152 print '<option value="-1
"> </option>';
155 $tmpuser = new User($this->db);
157 $num = $this->db->num_rows($result);
160 $obj = $this->db->fetch_object($result);
162 $label = $obj->label;
163 if ($obj->fk_user == 0) {
164 $label .= ' <span class="opacitymedium
165 } elseif ($obj->fk_user > 0) {
166 $tmpuser->fetch($obj->fk_user);
167 $label .= ' <span class="opacitymedium
170 if ($selected == $obj->rowid) {
171 print '<option value="'.$obj->rowid.'" selected data-html="'.dol_escape_htmltag($label).'">';
173 print '<option value="'.$obj->rowid.'" data-html="'.dol_escape_htmltag($label).'">';
180 print ajax_combobox($htmlname);
182 dol_print_error($this->db);
187 // phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.ScopeNotCamelCaps
198 public function select_import_model($selected = '', $htmlname = 'importmodelid', $type = '', $useempty = 0, $fk_user = null)
201 global $conf, $langs, $user;
203 $sql = "SELECT
rowid, label, fk_user
204 $sql .= " FROM
205 $sql .= " WHERE
type =
206 if (empty($conf->global->EXPORTS_SHARE_MODELS)) { // EXPORTS_SHARE_MODELS means all templates are visible, whatever is owner.
207 $sql .= " AND fk_user IN (0,
".((int) $fk_user).")
209 $sql .= " ORDER BY label
210 $result = $this->db->query($sql);
212 print '<select class="flat minwidth200
" name="'.$htmlname.'" id="'.$htmlname.'">';
214 print '<option value="-1
"> </option>';
217 $tmpuser = new User($this->db);
219 $num = $this->db->num_rows($result);
222 $obj = $this->db->fetch_object($result);
224 $label = $obj->label;
225 if ($obj->fk_user == 0) {
226 $label .= ' <span class="opacitymedium
227 } elseif ($obj->fk_user > 0) {
228 $tmpuser->fetch($obj->fk_user);
229 $label .= ' <span class="opacitymedium
232 if ($selected == $obj->rowid) {
233 print '<option value="'.$obj->rowid.'" selected data-html="'.dol_escape_htmltag($label).'">';
235 print '<option value="'.$obj->rowid.'" data-html="'.dol_escape_htmltag($label).'">';
242 print ajax_combobox($htmlname);
244 dol_print_error($this->db);
249 // phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.ScopeNotCamelCaps
257 public function select_ecotaxes($selected = '', $htmlname = 'ecotaxe_id')
262 $sql = "SELECT e.rowid, e.code, e.label, e.price, e.organization,
263 $sql .= " c.label as country
264 $sql .= " FROM
".$this->db->prefix()."c_ecotaxe as e,
".$this->db->prefix()."c_country as c
265 $sql .= " WHERE e.active = 1 AND e.fk_pays = c.rowid
266 $sql .= " ORDER BY country, e.organization ASC, e.code ASC
268 dol_syslog(get_class($this).'::select_ecotaxes', LOG_DEBUG);
269 $resql = $this->db->query($sql);
271 print '<select class="flat
" name="'.$htmlname.'">';
272 $num = $this->db->num_rows($resql);
274 print '<option value="-1
"> </option>'."\n
277 $obj = $this->db->fetch_object($resql);
278 if ($selected && $selected == $obj->rowid) {
279 print '<option value="'.$obj->rowid.'" selected>';
281 print '<option value="'.$obj->rowid.'">';
282 //print '<option onmouseover="showtip(\
" onMouseout="hidetip()
" value="'.$obj->rowid.'">';
284 $selectOptionValue = $obj->code.' - '.$obj->label.' : '.price($obj->price).' '.$langs->trans("HT
").' ('.$obj->organization.')';
285 print $selectOptionValue;
293 dol_print_error($this->db);
299 // phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.ScopeNotCamelCaps
308 public function select_revenue_stamp($selected = '', $htmlname = 'revenuestamp', $country_code = '')
315 $sql = "SELECT r.taux, r.revenuestamp_type
316 $sql .= " FROM
".$this->db->prefix()."c_revenuestamp as r,
".$this->db->prefix()."c_country as c
317 $sql .= " WHERE r.active = 1 AND r.fk_pays = c.rowid
318 $sql .= " AND c.code =
320 dol_syslog(get_class($this).'::select_revenue_stamp', LOG_DEBUG);
321 $resql = $this->db->query($sql);
323 $out .= '<select class="flat
" name="'.$htmlname.'">';
324 $num = $this->db->num_rows($resql);
326 $out .= '<option value="0
"> </option>'."\n
329 $obj = $this->db->fetch_object($resql);
330 if (($selected && $selected == $obj->taux) || $num == 1) {
331 $out .= '<option value="'.$obj->taux.($obj->revenuestamp_type == 'percent
' ? '%
' : '').'"'.($obj->revenuestamp_type == 'percent' ? ' data-type="percent
"' : '').' selected>';
333 $out .= '<option value="'.$obj->taux.($obj->revenuestamp_type == 'percent
' ? '%
' : '').'"'.($obj->revenuestamp_type == 'percent' ? ' data-type="percent
"' : '').'>';
334 //print '<option onmouseover="showtip(\
" onMouseout="hidetip()
" value="'.$obj->rowid.'">';
336 $out .= $obj->taux.($obj->revenuestamp_type == 'percent' ? '%' : '');
344 dol_print_error($this->db);
350 // phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.ScopeNotCamelCaps
363 public function select_percent($selected = 0, $htmlname = 'percent', $disabled = 0, $increment = 5, $start = 0, $end = 100, $showempty = 0)
366 $return = '<select class="flat
" name="'.$htmlname.'" '.($disabled ? 'disabled' : '').'>';
368 $return .= '<option value="-1
"'.(($selected == -1 || $selected == '') ? ' selected' : '').'> </option>';
371 for ($i = $start; $i <= $end; $i += $increment) {
372 if ($selected != '' && (int) $selected == $i) {
373 $return .= '<option value="'.$i.'" selected>';
375 $return .= '<option value="'.$i.'">';
378 $return .= '</option>';
381 $return .= '</select>';
386 // phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.ScopeNotCamelCaps
399 public function select_categories($type, $selected = 0, $htmlname = 'search_categ', $nocateg = 0, $showempty = 1, $morecss = '')
402 global $conf, $langs;
403 require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/categories/class/categorie.class.php';
405 // For backward compatibility
406 if (is_numeric($type)) {
407 dol_syslog(__METHOD__.': using numeric value for parameter type is deprecated. Use string code instead.', LOG_WARNING);
410 // Load list of "categories
411 $static_categs = new Categorie($this->db);
412 $tab_categs = $static_categs->get_full_arbo($type);
415 // Enhance with select2
416 if ($conf->use_javascript_ajax) {
417 include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/ajax.lib.php';
418 $comboenhancement = ajax_combobox('select_categ_'.$htmlname);
419 $moreforfilter .= $comboenhancement;
422 // Print a select with each of them
423 $moreforfilter .= '<select class="flat minwidth100
'.($morecss ? ' '.$morecss : '').'" id="select_categ_
'.$htmlname.'" name="'.$htmlname.'">';
426 if (!empty($conf->use_javascript_ajax)) {
427 $textforempty = ' '; // If we use ajaxcombo, we need here to avoid to have an empty element that is too small.
429 if (!is_numeric($showempty)) {
430 $textforempty = $showempty;
432 $moreforfilter .= '<option class="optiongrey
" value="'.($showempty < 0 ? $showempty : -1).'"'.($selected == $showempty ? ' selected' : '').' data-html="'.dol_escape_htmltag($textforempty).'">'.dol_escape_htmltag($textforempty).'</option>'."\n
435 if (is_array($tab_categs)) {
436 foreach ($tab_categs as $categ) {
437 $moreforfilter .= '<option value="'.$categ['id'].'"';
438 if ($categ['id'] == $selected) {
439 $moreforfilter .= ' selected';
441 $moreforfilter .= ' data-html="'.dol_escape_htmltag(img_picto('', 'category
', 'class=
"pictofixedwidth" style=
"color: #'.$categ['color'].'"').dol_trunc($categ['fulllabel
'], 50, 'middle
442 $moreforfilter .= '>'.dol_trunc($categ['fulllabel'], 50, 'middle').'</option>';
446 $langs->load("categories
447 $moreforfilter .= '<option value="-2
"'.($selected == -2 ? ' selected' : '').'>- '.$langs->trans("NotCategorized
").' -</option>';
449 $moreforfilter .= '</select>';
451 return $moreforfilter;
455 // phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.ScopeNotCamelCaps
468 public function select_salesrepresentatives($selected, $htmlname, $user, $showstatus = 0, $showempty = 1, $morecss = '', $norepresentative = 0)
471 global $conf, $langs, $hookmanager;
473 $langs->load('users');
477 $reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks('addSQLWhereFilterOnSelectSalesRep', array(), $this, $action);
479 // Select each sales and print them in a select input
480 $out .= '<select class="flat
'.($morecss ? ' '.$morecss : '').'" id="'.$htmlname.'" name="'.$htmlname.'">';
483 if (!is_numeric($showempty)) {
484 $textforempty = $showempty;
486 if (!empty($conf->use_javascript_ajax) && $textforempty == ' ') {
487 $textforempty = ' '; // If we use ajaxcombo, we need here to avoid to have an empty element that is too small.
489 $out .= '<option class="optiongrey
" value="'.($showempty < 0 ? $showempty : -1).'"'.($selected == $showempty ? ' selected' : '').'>'.$textforempty.'</option>'."\n
492 // Get list of users allowed to be viewed
493 $sql_usr = "SELECT u.rowid, u.lastname, u.firstname, u.statut as status, u.login, u.photo, u.gender, u.entity, u.admin
494 $sql_usr .= " FROM
".$this->db->prefix()."user as u
496 if (!empty($conf->global->MULTICOMPANY_TRANSVERSE_MODE)) {
497 if (!empty($user->admin) && empty($user->entity) && $conf->entity == 1) {
498 $sql_usr .= " WHERE u.entity IS NOT NULL
"; // Show all users
500 $sql_usr .= " WHERE EXISTS (SELECT ug.fk_user FROM
".$this->db->prefix()."usergroup_user as ug WHERE u.rowid = ug.fk_user AND ug.entity IN (
501 $sql_usr .= " OR u.entity = 0
"; // Show always superadmin
504 $sql_usr .= " WHERE u.entity IN (
507 if (empty($user->rights->user->user->lire)) {
508 $sql_usr .= " AND u.rowid =
".((int) $user->id);
510 if (!empty($user->socid)) {
511 $sql_usr .= " AND u.fk_soc =
".((int) $user->socid);
514 //Add hook to filter on user (for exemple on usergroup define in custom modules)
515 if (!empty($reshook)) {
516 $sql_usr .= $hookmanager->resArray[0];
519 // Add existing sales representatives of thirdparty of external user
520 if (empty($user->rights->user->user->lire) && $user->socid) {
521 $sql_usr .= " UNION
522 $sql_usr .= "SELECT u2.rowid, u2.lastname, u2.firstname, u2.statut as status, u2.login, u2.photo, u2.gender, u2.entity, u2.admin
523 $sql_usr .= " FROM
".$this->db->prefix()."user as u2,
".$this->db->prefix()."societe_commerciaux as sc
525 if (!empty($conf->global->MULTICOMPANY_TRANSVERSE_MODE)) {
526 if (!empty($user->admin) && empty($user->entity) && $conf->entity == 1) {
527 $sql_usr .= " WHERE u2.entity IS NOT NULL
"; // Show all users
529 $sql_usr .= " WHERE EXISTS (SELECT ug2.fk_user FROM
".$this->db->prefix()."usergroup_user as ug2 WHERE u2.rowid = ug2.fk_user AND ug2.entity IN (
532 $sql_usr .= " WHERE u2.entity IN (
535 $sql_usr .= " AND u2.rowid = sc.fk_user AND sc.fk_soc =
".((int) $user->socid);
537 //Add hook to filter on user (for exemple on usergroup define in custom modules)
538 if (!empty($reshook)) {
539 $sql_usr .= $hookmanager->resArray[1];
543 if (empty($conf->global->MAIN_FIRSTNAME_NAME_POSITION)) { // MAIN_FIRSTNAME_NAME_POSITION is 0 means firstname+lastname
544 $sql_usr .= " ORDER BY status DESC, firstname ASC, lastname ASC
546 $sql_usr .= " ORDER BY status DESC, lastname ASC, firstname ASC
548 //print $sql_usr;exit;
550 $resql_usr = $this->db->query($sql_usr);
552 $userstatic = new User($this->db);
554 while ($obj_usr = $this->db->fetch_object($resql_usr)) {
555 $userstatic->id = $obj_usr->rowid;
556 $userstatic->lastname = $obj_usr->lastname;
557 $userstatic->firstname = $obj_usr->firstname;
558 $userstatic->photo = $obj_usr->photo;
559 $userstatic->statut = $obj_usr->status;
560 $userstatic->entity = $obj_usr->entity;
561 $userstatic->admin = $obj_usr->admin;
563 $labeltoshow = dolGetFirstLastname($obj_usr->firstname, $obj_usr->lastname);
564 if (empty($obj_usr->firstname) && empty($obj_usr->lastname)) {
565 $labeltoshow = $obj_usr->login;
568 $out .= '<option value="'.$obj_usr->rowid.'"';
569 if ($obj_usr->rowid == $selected) {
572 $out .= ' data-html="';
573 $outhtml = $userstatic->getNomUrl(-3, '', 0, 1, 24, 1, 'login
', '', 1).' ';
574 if ($showstatus >= 0 && $obj_usr->status == 0) {
575 $outhtml .= '<strike
577 $outhtml .= $labeltoshow;
578 if ($showstatus >= 0 && $obj_usr->status == 0) {
579 $outhtml .= '</strike>
581 $out .= dol_escape_htmltag($outhtml);
584 $out .= $labeltoshow;
585 // Complete name with more info
587 if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_SHOW_LOGIN)) {
588 $out .= ($moreinfo ? ' - ' : ' (').$obj_usr->login;
591 if ($showstatus >= 0) {
592 if ($obj_usr->status == 1 && $showstatus == 1) {
593 $out .= ($moreinfo ? ' - ' : ' (').$langs->trans('Enabled');
596 if ($obj_usr->status == 0) {
597 $out .= ($moreinfo ? ' - ' : ' (').$langs->trans('Disabled');
601 $out .= ($moreinfo ? ')' : '');
604 $this->db->free($resql_usr);
606 dol_print_error($this->db);
609 if ($norepresentative) {
610 $langs->load("companies
611 $out .= '<option value="-2
"'.($selected == -2 ? ' selected' : '').'>- '.$langs->trans("NoSalesRepresentativeAffected
").' -</option>';
616 // Enhance with select2
617 if ($conf->use_javascript_ajax) {
618 include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/ajax.lib.php';
620 $comboenhancement = ajax_combobox($htmlname);
621 if ($comboenhancement) {
622 $out .= $comboenhancement;
644 public function selectProjectTasks($selectedtask = '', $projectid = 0, $htmlname = 'task_parent', $modeproject = 0, $modetask = 0, $mode = 0, $useempty = 0, $disablechildoftaskid = 0, $filteronprojstatus = '', $morecss = '')
646 global $user, $langs;
648 require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/projet/class/task.class.php';
650 //print $modeproject.'-'.$modetask;
651 $task = new Task($this->db);
652 $tasksarray = $task->getTasksArray($modetask ? $user : 0, $modeproject ? $user : 0, $projectid, 0, $mode, '', $filteronprojstatus);
654 print '<select class="flat
'.($morecss ? ' '.$morecss : '').'" name="'.$htmlname.'" id="'.$htmlname.'">';
656 print '<option value="0
"> </option>';
660 $this->_pLineSelect($j, 0, $tasksarray, $level, $selectedtask, $projectid, $disablechildoftaskid);
663 print ajax_combobox($htmlname);
665 print '<div class="warning
681 private function _pLineSelect(&$inc, $parent, $lines, $level = 0, $selectedtask = 0, $selectedproject = 0, $disablechildoftaskid = 0)
683 global $langs, $user, $conf;
687 $numlines = count($lines);
688 for ($i = 0; $i < $numlines; $i++) {
689 if ($lines[$i]->fk_parent == $parent) {
690 //var_dump($selectedproject."--
".$lines[$i]->id); // $lines[$i]->id may be empty if project has no lines
692 // Break on a new project
693 if ($parent == 0) { // We are on a task at first level
694 if ($lines[$i]->fk_project != $lastprojectid) { // Break found on project
696 print '<option value="0
" disabled>----------</option>';
698 print '<option value="'.$lines[$i]->fk_project.'_0
699 if ($selectedproject == $lines[$i]->fk_project) {
703 $labeltoshow = $lines[$i]->projectref;
704 //$labeltoshow .= ' '.$lines[$i]->projectlabel;
705 if (empty($lines[$i]->public)) {
706 //$labeltoshow .= ' <span class="opacitymedium
").': '.$langs->trans("PrivateProject
707 $labeltoshow = img_picto($lines[$i]->projectlabel, 'project', 'class="pictofixedwidth
709 //$labeltoshow .= ' <span class="opacitymedium
").': '.$langs->trans("SharedProject
710 $labeltoshow = img_picto($lines[$i]->projectlabel, 'projectpub', 'class="pictofixedwidth
713 print ' data-html="'.dol_escape_htmltag($labeltoshow).'"';
714 print '>'; // Project -> Task
718 $lastprojectid = $lines[$i]->fk_project;
723 $newdisablechildoftaskid = $disablechildoftaskid;
726 if (isset($lines[$i]->id)) { // We use isset because $lines[$i]->id may be null if project has no task and are on root project (tasks may be caught by a left join). We enter here only if '0' or >0
727 // Check if we must disable entry
729 if ($disablechildoftaskid && (($lines[$i]->id == $disablechildoftaskid || $lines[$i]->fk_parent == $disablechildoftaskid))) {
731 if ($lines[$i]->fk_parent == $disablechildoftaskid) {
732 $newdisablechildoftaskid = $lines[$i]->id; // If task is child of a disabled parent, we will propagate id to disable next child too
736 print '<option value="'.$lines[$i]->fk_project.'_
737 if (($lines[$i]->id == $selectedtask) || ($lines[$i]->fk_project.'_'.$lines[$i]->id == $selectedtask)) {
744 $labeltoshow = $lines[$i]->projectref;
745 //$labeltoshow .= ' '.$lines[$i]->projectlabel;
746 if (empty($lines[$i]->public)) {
747 //$labeltoshow .= ' <span class="opacitymedium
").': '.$langs->trans("PrivateProject
748 $labeltoshow = img_picto($lines[$i]->projectlabel, 'project', 'class="pictofixedwidth
750 //$labeltoshow .= ' <span class="opacitymedium
").': '.$langs->trans("SharedProject
751 $labeltoshow = img_picto($lines[$i]->projectlabel, 'projectpub', 'class="pictofixedwidth
753 if ($lines[$i]->id) {
754 $labeltoshow .= ' > ';
756 for ($k = 0; $k < $level; $k++) {
757 $labeltoshow .= "
759 $labeltoshow .= $lines[$i]->ref.' '.$lines[$i]->label;
761 print ' data-html="'.dol_escape_htmltag($labeltoshow).'"';
769 if ($lines[$i]->id) {
770 $this->_pLineSelect($inc, $lines[$i]->id, $lines, $level, $selectedtask, $selectedproject, $newdisablechildoftaskid);
786 public static function showColor($color, $textifnotdefined = '')
789 include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/functions2.lib.php';
790 if (colorIsLight($color)) {
794 $color = colorArrayToHex(colorStringToArray($color, array()), '');
797 print '<input type="text
" class="colorthumb
" disabled style="padding: 1px; margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; color: #
'.$textcolor.'; background-color: #
'.$color.'" value="'.$color.'">';
799 print $textifnotdefined;
803 // phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.ScopeNotCamelCaps
816 public function select_color($set_color = '', $prefix = 'f_color', $form_name = '', $showcolorbox = 1, $arrayofcolors = '')
819 print $this->selectColor($set_color, $prefix, $form_name, $showcolorbox, $arrayofcolors);
835 public static function selectColor($set_color = '', $prefix = 'f_color', $form_name = '', $showcolorbox = 1, $arrayofcolors = '', $morecss = '', $setpropertyonselect = '')
837 // Deprecation warning
839 dol_syslog(__METHOD__.": form_name parameter is deprecated
842 global $langs, $conf;
846 if (!is_array($arrayofcolors) || count($arrayofcolors) < 1) {
847 $langs->load("other
848 if (empty($conf->dol_use_jmobile) && !empty($conf->use_javascript_ajax)) {
849 $out .= '<link rel="stylesheet
" media="screen
" type="text/css
" href="'.DOL_URL_ROOT.'/includes/jquery/plugins/jpicker/css/jPicker-1.1.6.css
" />';
850 $out .= '<script type="text/javascript
" src="'.DOL_URL_ROOT.'/includes/jquery/plugins/jpicker/jpicker-1.1.6.js
851 $out .= '<script type="text/javascript
852 jQuery(document).ready(function(){
853 var originalhex = null;
854 $(\'#colorpicker'.$prefix.'\').jPicker( {
856 title: \''.dol_escape_js($langs->trans("SelectAColor
")).'\', /* any title for the jPicker window itself - displays "Drag Markers To Pick A Color
" if left null */
859 type: \'show\', /* effect used to show/hide an expandable picker. Acceptable values "slide
", "show
", "fade
" */
862 show: \'fast\', /* duration of "show
" effect. Acceptable values are "fast
", "slow
", or time in ms */
863 hide: \'fast\' /* duration of "hide
" effect. Acceptable values are "fast
", "slow
", or time in ms */
868 x: \'screenCenter\', /* acceptable values "left
", "center
", "right
", "screenCenter
", or relative px value */
869 y: \'center\' /* acceptable values "top
", "bottom
", "center
", or relative px value */
873 clientPath: \''.DOL_URL_ROOT.'/includes/jquery/plugins/jpicker/images/\',
874 picker: { file: \'../../../../../theme/common/colorpicker.png\', width: 14, height: 14 }
876 localization: // alter these to change the text presented by the picker (e.g. different language)
880 title: \''.dol_escape_js($langs->trans("SelectAColor
881 newColor: \''.dol_escape_js($langs->trans("New
882 currentColor: \''.dol_escape_js($langs->trans("Current
883 ok: \''.dol_escape_js($langs->trans("Validate")).'\',
884 cancel: \''.dol_escape_js($langs->trans("Cancel
888 function(color, context) { console.log("close color selector
"); },
889 function(color, context) { var hex = color.val(\'hex\'); console.log("new color selected in jpicker
"+hex+" setpropertyonselect=
890 if ($setpropertyonselect) {
891 $out .= 'if (originalhex == null) {';
892 $out .= ' originalhex = getComputedStyle(document.querySelector(":root
893 $out .= ' console.log("original color is saved into originalhex =
895 $out .= 'if (hex != null) {';
896 $out .= ' document.documentElement.style.setProperty(\'--'.dol_escape_js($setpropertyonselect).'\', \'#\'+hex);';
900 function(color, context) {
901 console.log("cancel selection of color
902 if ($setpropertyonselect) {
903 $out .= 'if (originalhex != null) {
904 console.log("Restore old color
905 document.documentElement.style.setProperty(\'--'.dol_escape_js($setpropertyonselect).'\', originalhex);
914 $out .= '<input id="colorpicker
'.$prefix.'" name="'.$prefix.'" size="6
" maxlength="7
" class="flat
'.($morecss ? ' '.$morecss : '').'" type="text
" value="'.dol_escape_htmltag($set_color).'" />';
915 } else { // In most cases, this is not used. We used instead function with no specific list of colors
916 if (empty($conf->dol_use_jmobile) && !empty($conf->use_javascript_ajax)) {
917 $out .= '<link rel="stylesheet
" href="'.DOL_URL_ROOT.'/includes/jquery/plugins/colorpicker/jquery.colorpicker.css
" type="text/css
" media="screen
" />';
918 $out .= '<script src="'.DOL_URL_ROOT.'/includes/jquery/plugins/colorpicker/jquery.colorpicker.js
" type="text/javascript
919 $out .= '<script type="text/javascript
920 jQuery(document).ready(function(){
921 jQuery(\'#colorpicker'.$prefix.'\').colorpicker({
929 $out .= '<select id="colorpicker
'.$prefix.'" class="flat
'.($morecss ? ' '.$morecss : '').'" name="'.$prefix.'">';
930 //print '<option value="-1
"> </option>';
931 foreach ($arrayofcolors as $val) {
932 $out .= '<option value="'.$val.'"';
933 if ($set_color == $val) {
936 $out .= '>'.$val.'</option>';
944 // phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.ScopeNotCamelCaps
955 public function CreateColorIcon($color, $module, $name, $x = '12', $y = '12')
960 $file = $conf->$module->dir_temp.'/'.$name.'.png';
962 // On cree le repertoire contenant les icones
963 if (!file_exists($conf->$module->dir_temp)) {
964 dol_mkdir($conf->$module->dir_temp);
967 // On cree l'image en vraies couleurs
968 $image = imagecreatetruecolor($x, $y);
970 $color = substr($color, 1, 6);
972 $rouge = hexdec(substr($color, 0, 2)); //conversion du canal rouge
973 $vert = hexdec(substr($color, 2, 2)); //conversion du canal vert
974 $bleu = hexdec(substr($color, 4, 2)); //conversion du canal bleu
976 $couleur = imagecolorallocate($image, $rouge, $vert, $bleu);
977 //print $rouge.$vert.$bleu;
978 imagefill($image, 0, 0, $couleur); //on remplit l'image
979 // On cree la couleur et on l'attribue a une variable pour ne pas la perdre
980 ImagePng($image, $file); //renvoie une image sous format png
981 ImageDestroy($image);
984 // phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.ScopeNotCamelCaps
993 public function select_dayofweek($selected = '', $htmlname = 'weekid', $useempty = 0)
999 0=>$langs->trans("Day0
1000 1=>$langs->trans("Day1
1001 2=>$langs->trans("Day2
1002 3=>$langs->trans("Day3
1003 4=>$langs->trans("Day4
1004 5=>$langs->trans("Day5
1005 6=>$langs->trans("Day6
1008 $select_week = '<select class="flat
" name="'.$htmlname.'" id="'.$htmlname.'">';
1010 $select_week .= '<option value="-1
"> </option>';
1012 foreach ($week as $key => $val) {
1013 if ($selected == $key) {
1014 $select_week .= '<option value="'.$key.'" selected>';
1016 $select_week .= '<option value="'.$key.'">';
1018 $select_week .= $val;
1019 $select_week .= '</option>';
1021 $select_week .= '</select>';
1023 $select_week .= ajax_combobox($htmlname);
1025 return $select_week;
1028 // phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.ScopeNotCamelCaps
1040 public function select_month($selected = '', $htmlname = 'monthid', $useempty = 0, $longlabel = 0, $morecss = 'minwidth50 maxwidth75imp valignmiddle', $addjscombo = false)
1045 require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/date.lib.php';
1048 $montharray = monthArray($langs, 0); // Get array
1050 $montharray = monthArray($langs, 1);
1053 $select_month = '<select class="flat
'.($morecss ? ' '.$morecss : '').'" name="'.$htmlname.'" id="'.$htmlname.'">';
1055 $select_month .= '<option value="0
"> </option>';
1057 foreach ($montharray as $key => $val) {
1058 if ($selected == $key) {
1059 $select_month .= '<option value="'.$key.'" selected>';
1061 $select_month .= '<option value="'.$key.'">';
1063 $select_month .= $val;
1064 $select_month .= '</option>';
1066 $select_month .= '</select>';
1068 // Add code for jquery to use multiselect
1070 // Enhance with select2
1071 include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/ajax.lib.php';
1072 $select_month .= ajax_combobox($htmlname);
1075 return $select_month;
1078 // phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.ScopeNotCamelCaps
1095 public function select_year($selected = '', $htmlname = 'yearid', $useempty = 0, $min_year = 10, $max_year = 5, $offset = 0, $invert = 0, $option = '', $morecss = 'valignmiddle maxwidth75imp', $addjscombo = false)
1098 print $this->selectyear($selected, $htmlname, $useempty, $min_year, $max_year, $offset, $invert, $option, $morecss, $addjscombo);
1116 public function selectyear($selected = '', $htmlname = 'yearid', $useempty = 0, $min_year = 10, $max_year = 5, $offset = 0, $invert = 0, $option = '', $morecss = 'valignmiddle width75', $addjscombo = false)
1120 $currentyear = date("Y
") + $offset;
1121 $max_year = $currentyear + $max_year;
1122 $min_year = $currentyear - $min_year;
1123 if (empty($selected) && empty($useempty)) {
1124 $selected = $currentyear;
1127 $out .= '<select class="flat
'.($morecss ? ' '.$morecss : '').'" id="'.$htmlname.'" name="'.$htmlname.'"'.$option.' >';
1129 $selected_html = '';
1130 if ($selected == '') {
1131 $selected_html = ' selected';
1133 $out .= '<option value=""'.$selected_html.'> </option>';
1136 for ($y = $max_year; $y >= $min_year; $y--) {
1137 $selected_html = '';
1138 if ($selected > 0 && $y == $selected) {
1139 $selected_html = ' selected';
1141 $out .= '<option value="'.$y.'"'.$selected_html.' >'.$y.'</option>';
1144 for ($y = $min_year; $y <= $max_year; $y++) {
1145 $selected_html = '';
1146 if ($selected > 0 && $y == $selected) {
1147 $selected_html = ' selected';
1149 $out .= '<option value="'.$y.'"'.$selected_html.' >'.$y.'</option>';
1152 $out .= "</select>\n
1154 // Add code for jquery to use multiselect
1156 // Enhance with select2
1157 include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/ajax.lib.php';
1158 $out .= ajax_combobox($htmlname);
1173 public static function getBoxesArea($user, $areacode)
1175 global $conf, $langs, $db;
1177 include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/infobox.class.php';
1179 $confuserzone = 'MAIN_BOXES_'.$areacode;
1181 // $boxactivated will be array of boxes enabled into global setup
1182 // $boxidactivatedforuser will be array of boxes choosed by user
1184 $selectboxlist = '';
1185 $boxactivated = InfoBox::listBoxes($db, 'activated', $areacode, (empty($user->conf->$confuserzone) ?null:$user), array(), 0); // Search boxes of common+user (or common only if user has no specific setup)
1187 $boxidactivatedforuser = array();
1188 foreach ($boxactivated as $box) {
1189 if (empty($user->conf->$confuserzone) || $box->fk_user == $user->id) {
1190 $boxidactivatedforuser[$box->id] = $box->id; // We keep only boxes to show for user
1194 // Define selectboxlist
1195 $arrayboxtoactivatelabel = array();
1196 if (!empty($user->conf->$confuserzone)) {
1198 $langs->load("boxes
"); // Load label of boxes
1199 foreach ($boxactivated as $box) {
1200 if (!empty($boxidactivatedforuser[$box->id])) {
1201 continue; // Already visible for user
1203 $label = $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv($box->boxlabel);
1204 //if (preg_match('/graph/',$box->class)) $label.=' ('.$langs->trans("Graph
1205 if (preg_match('/graph/', $box->class) && $conf->browser->layout != 'phone') {
1206 $label = $label.' <span class="fa fa-bar-chart
1208 $arrayboxtoactivatelabel[$box->id] = $label; // We keep only boxes not shown for user, to show into combo list
1210 foreach ($boxidactivatedforuser as $boxid) {
1211 if (empty($boxorder)) {
1214 $boxorder .= $boxid.',';
1217 //var_dump($boxidactivatedforuser);
1219 // Class Form must have been already loaded
1220 $selectboxlist .= '<!-- Form with select box list -->'."\n
1221 $selectboxlist .= '<form id="addbox
" name="addbox
" method="POST
" action="'.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'">';
1222 $selectboxlist .= '<input type="hidden
" name="token
" value="'.newToken().'">';
1223 $selectboxlist .= '<input type="hidden
" name="addbox
" value="addbox
1224 $selectboxlist .= '<input type="hidden
" name="userid
" value="'.$user->id.'">';
1225 $selectboxlist .= '<input type="hidden
" name="areacode
" value="'.$areacode.'">';
1226 $selectboxlist .= '<input type="hidden
" name="boxorder
" value="'.$boxorder.'">';
1227 $selectboxlist .= Form::selectarray('boxcombo', $arrayboxtoactivatelabel, -1, $langs->trans("ChooseBoxToAdd
").'...', 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 'ASC', 'maxwidth150onsmartphone hideonprint', 0, 'hidden selected', 0, 1);
1228 if (empty($conf->use_javascript_ajax)) {
1229 $selectboxlist .= ' <input type="submit
" class="button" value="'.$langs->trans("AddBox").'">';
1231 $selectboxlist .= '</form>';
1232 if (!empty($conf->use_javascript_ajax)) {
1233 include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/ajax.lib.php';
1234 $selectboxlist .= ajax_combobox("boxcombo
1238 // Javascript code for dynamic actions
1239 if (!empty($conf->use_javascript_ajax)) {
1240 $selectboxlist .= '<script type="text/javascript
1242 // To update list of activated boxes
1243 function updateBoxOrder(closing) {
1244 var left_list = cleanSerialize(jQuery("#boxhalfleft
1245 var right_list = cleanSerialize(jQuery("#boxhalfright
1246 var boxorder = \'A:\' + left_list + \'-B:\' + right_list;
1247 if (boxorder==\'A:A-B:B\' && closing == 1) // There is no more boxes on screen, and we are after a delete of a box so we must hide title
1250 url: \''.DOL_URL_ROOT.'/core/ajax/box.php?closing=1&boxorder=\'+boxorder+\'&zone='.$areacode.'&userid=\'+'.$user->id.',
1253 // We force reload to be sure to get all boxes into list
1254 window.location.search=\'mainmenu='.GETPOST("mainmenu
", "aZ09
").'&leftmenu='.GETPOST('leftmenu', "aZ09
1259 url: \''.DOL_URL_ROOT.'/core/ajax/box.php?closing=\'+closing+\'&boxorder=\'+boxorder+\'&zone='.$areacode.'&userid=\'+'.$user->id.',
1265 jQuery(document).ready(function() {
1266 jQuery("#boxcombo
").change(function() {
1267 var boxid=jQuery("#boxcombo
1269 console.log("A box widget has been selected
for addition, we call ajax page to add it.
1270 var left_list = cleanSerialize(jQuery("#boxhalfleft
1271 var right_list = cleanSerialize(jQuery("#boxhalfright
1272 var boxorder = \'A:\' + left_list + \'-B:\' + right_list;
1274 url: \''.DOL_URL_ROOT.'/core/ajax/box.php?boxorder=\'+boxorder+\'&boxid=\'+boxid+\'&zone='.$areacode.'&userid='.$user->id.'\'
1275 }).done(function() {
1276 window.location.search=\'mainmenu='.GETPOST("mainmenu
", "aZ09
").'&leftmenu='.GETPOST('leftmenu', "aZ09
1280 if (!count($arrayboxtoactivatelabel)) {
1281 $selectboxlist .= 'jQuery("#boxcombo
1285 jQuery("#boxhalfleft, #boxhalfright
1286 handle: \'.boxhandle\',
1287 revert: \'invalid\',
1288 items: \'.boxdraggable\',
1289 containment: \'document\',
1290 connectWith: \'#boxhalfleft, #boxhalfright\',
1291 stop: function(event, ui) {
1292 updateBoxOrder(1); /* 1 to avoid message after a move */
1296 jQuery(".boxclose
").click(function() {
1297 var self = this; // because JQuery can modify this
1298 var boxid=self.id.substring(8);
1299 var label=jQuery(\'#boxlabelentry\'+boxid).val();
1300 console.log("We close box
1301 jQuery(\'#boxto_\'+boxid).remove();
1302 if (boxid > 0) jQuery(\'#boxcombo\').append(new Option(label, boxid));
1303 updateBoxOrder(1); /* 1 to avoid message after a remove */
1308 $selectboxlist .= '</script>'."\n
1311 // Define boxlista and boxlistb
1314 $nbboxactivated = count($boxidactivatedforuser);
1316 if ($nbboxactivated) {
1317 // Load translation files required by the page
1318 $langs->loadLangs(array("boxes
", "projects
1320 $emptybox = new ModeleBoxes($db);
1322 $boxlista .= "\n<!-- Box left container -->\n
1324 // Define $box_max_lines
1326 if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_BOXES_MAXLINES)) {
1327 $box_max_lines = $conf->global->MAIN_BOXES_MAXLINES;
1331 foreach ($boxactivated as $key => $box) {
1332 if ((!empty($user->conf->$confuserzone) && $box->fk_user == 0) || (empty($user->conf->$confuserzone) && $box->fk_user != 0)) {
1335 if (empty($box->box_order) && $ii < ($nbboxactivated / 2)) {
1336 $box->box_order = 'A'.sprintf("%02d
", ($ii + 1)); // When box_order was not yet set to Axx or Bxx and is still 0
1338 if (preg_match('/^A/i', $box->box_order)) { // column A
1340 //print 'box_id '.$boxactivated[$ii]->box_id.' ';
1341 //print 'box_order '.$boxactivated[$ii]->box_order.'<br>';
1343 $box->loadBox($box_max_lines);
1344 $boxlista .= $box->showBox(null, null, 1);
1348 if ($conf->browser->layout != 'phone') {
1349 $emptybox->box_id = 'A';
1350 $emptybox->info_box_head = array();
1351 $emptybox->info_box_contents = array();
1352 $boxlista .= $emptybox->showBox(array(), array(), 1);
1354 $boxlista .= "<!-- End box left container -->\n
1356 $boxlistb .= "\n<!-- Box right container -->\n
1359 foreach ($boxactivated as $key => $box) {
1360 if ((!empty($user->conf->$confuserzone) && $box->fk_user == 0) || (empty($user->conf->$confuserzone) && $box->fk_user != 0)) {
1363 if (empty($box->box_order) && $ii < ($nbboxactivated / 2)) {
1364 $box->box_order = 'B'.sprintf("%02d
", ($ii + 1)); // When box_order was not yet set to Axx or Bxx and is still 0
1366 if (preg_match('/^B/i', $box->box_order)) { // colonne B
1368 //print 'box_id '.$boxactivated[$ii]->box_id.' ';
1369 //print 'box_order '.$boxactivated[$ii]->box_order.'<br>';
1371 $box->loadBox($box_max_lines);
1372 $boxlistb .= $box->showBox(null, null, 1);
1376 if ($conf->browser->layout != 'phone') {
1377 $emptybox->box_id = 'B';
1378 $emptybox->info_box_head = array();
1379 $emptybox->info_box_contents = array();
1380 $boxlistb .= $emptybox->showBox(array(), array(), 1);
1383 $boxlistb .= "<!-- End box right container -->\n
1386 return array('selectboxlist'=>count($boxactivated) ? $selectboxlist : '', 'boxactivated'=>$boxactivated, 'boxlista'=>$boxlista, 'boxlistb'=>$boxlistb);
1390 // phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.ScopeNotCamelCaps
1403 public function select_dictionary($htmlname, $dictionarytable, $keyfield = 'code', $labelfield = 'label', $selected = '', $useempty = 0, $moreattrib = '')
1406 global $langs, $conf;
1408 $langs->load("admin
1410 $sql = "SELECT
1411 $sql .= " FROM
1412 $sql .= " ORDER BY
1415 $result = $this->db->query($sql);
1417 $num = $this->db->num_rows($result);
1420 print '<select id="select
'.$htmlname.'" class="flat selectdictionary
" name="'.$htmlname.'"'.($moreattrib ? ' '.$moreattrib : '').'>';
1421 if ($useempty == 1 || ($useempty == 2 && $num > 1)) {
1422 print '<option value="-1
"> </option>';
1426 $obj = $this->db->fetch_object($result);
1427 if ($selected == $obj->rowid || $selected == $obj->{$keyfield}) {
1428 print '<option value="'.$obj->{$keyfield}.'" selected>';
1430 print '<option value="'.$obj->{$keyfield}.'">';
1432 $label = ($langs->trans($dictionarytable.$obj->{$keyfield}) != ($dictionarytable.$obj->{$labelfield}) ? $langs->trans($dictionarytable.$obj->{$keyfield}) : $obj->{$labelfield});
1439 print $langs->trans("DictionaryEmpty
1442 dol_print_error($this->db);
1456 public function selectAutoManual($htmlname, $value = '', $option = 0, $disabled = false, $useempty = 0)
1460 $automatic = "automatic
1467 $disabled = ($disabled ? ' disabled' : '');
1469 $resultautomanual = '<select class="flat width100
" id="'.$htmlname.'" name="'.$htmlname.'"'.$disabled.'>'."\n
1471 $resultautomanual .= '<option value="-1
"'.(($value < 0) ? ' selected' : '').'> </option>'."\n
1473 if (("$value
" == 'automatic') || ($value == 1)) {
1474 $resultautomanual .= '<option value="'.$automatic.'" selected>'.$langs->trans("Automatic
1475 $resultautomanual .= '<option value="'.$manual.'">'.$langs->trans("Manual
1477 $selected = (($useempty && $value != '0' && $value != 'manual') ? '' : ' selected');
1478 $resultautomanual .= '<option value="'.$automatic.'">'.$langs->trans("Automatic
1479 $resultautomanual .= '<option value="'.$manual.'"'.$selected.'>'.$langs->trans("Manual
1481 $resultautomanual .= '</select>'."\n
1482 return $resultautomanual;
1496 public function selectGroupByField($object, $search_groupby, &$arrayofgroupby, $morecss = 'minwidth200 maxwidth250', $showempty = '1')
1498 global $langs, $extrafields, $form;
1500 $arrayofgroupbylabel = array();
1501 foreach ($arrayofgroupby as $key => $val) {
1502 $arrayofgroupbylabel[$key] = $val['label'];
1504 $result = $form->selectarray('search_groupby', $arrayofgroupbylabel, $search_groupby, $showempty, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', $morecss, 1);
1519 public function selectXAxisField($object, $search_xaxis, &$arrayofxaxis, $showempty = '1', $morecss = 'minwidth250 maxwidth500')
1523 $arrayofxaxislabel = array();
1524 foreach ($arrayofxaxis as $key => $val) {
1525 $arrayofxaxislabel[$key] = $val['label'];
1527 $result = $form->selectarray('search_xaxis', $arrayofxaxislabel, $search_xaxis, $showempty, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', $morecss, 1);
Class toolbox to validate values.
print *****$script_file(".$version.") pid c cd cd cd description as p label as s rowid
dol_escape_htmltag($stringtoescape, $keepb=0, $keepn=0, $noescapetags='', $escapeonlyhtmltags=0)
Returns text escaped for inclusion in HTML alt or title tags, or into values of HTML input fields.
dol_escape_js($stringtoescape, $mode=0, $noescapebackslashn=0)
Returns text escaped for inclusion into javascript code.
table tableforfield button
0 = Do not include form tag and submit button -1 = Do not include form tag but include submit button
if(preg_match('/crypted:/i', $dolibarr_main_db_pass)||!empty($dolibarr_main_db_encrypted_pass)) $conf db type
$conf db
API class for accounts.