dolibarr  x.y.z
modules Directory Reference


directory  security


file  DolibarrModules.class.php [code]
 File of parent class of module descriptor class files.
file  modAccounting.class.php [code]
 Module to activate the double entry accounting module.
file  modAdherent.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module member.
file  modAgenda.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module agenda.
file  modApi.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module Api.
file  modAsset.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module assets.
file  modBanque.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module bank.
file  modBarcode.class.php [code]
file  modBlockedLog.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module BlockedLog.
file  modBom.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module Bom.
file  modBookmark.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module Bookmarks.
file  modCategorie.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module Category.
file  modClickToDial.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module Click to Dial.
file  modCollab.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module Collab.
file  modCommande.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module command.
file  modComptabilite.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module simple accountancy.
file  modContrat.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module contract.
file  modCron.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module Jobs.
file  modDataPolicy.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module datapolicy.
file  modDav.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module dav.
file  modDebugBar.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module debugbar.
file  modDeplacement.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module trips (deprecated)
file  modDocumentGeneration.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module Generation document.
file  modDon.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module Donation.
file  modDynamicPrices.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module to manage dynamic prices in products.
file  modECM.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module ECM.
file  modEmailCollector.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module emailcollector.
file  modEventOrganization.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the EventOrganization.
file  modExpedition.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module Expedition.
file  modExpenseReport.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module ExpenseReport.
file  modExport.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module export.
file  modExternalRss.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module externalrss.
file  modExternalSite.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module ExternalSite.
file  modFacture.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module customer invoices.
file  modFckeditor.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module Fckeditor.
file  modFicheinter.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module Ficheinter.
file  modFournisseur.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module Supplier.
file  modFTP.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module FTP.
file  modGeoIPMaxmind.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module geoipmaxmind.
file  modGravatar.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module Gravatar.
file  modHoliday.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module holiday.
file  modHRM.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module HRM.
file  modImport.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module Import.
file  modIncoterm.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module MyModule.
file  modIntracommreport.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module intracomm report.
file  modKnowledgeManagement.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for module KnowledgeManagement.
file  modLabel.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module Labels.
file  modLdap.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module LDAP.
file  modLoan.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module loan.
file  modMailing.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module Mailing.
file  modMailmanSpip.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module mailmanspip.
file  modMargin.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module Margin.
file  modMrp.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module Mrp.
file  modMultiCurrency.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module MultiCurrency.
file  modNotification.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module Notification.
file  modOauth.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module Oauth.
file  modOpenSurvey.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module OpenSurvey.
file  modPartnership.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for module Partnership.
file  modPaybox.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module Paybox.
file  modPaymentByBankTransfer.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module PaymentByBankTransfer.
file  modPaypal.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module Paypal.
file  modPrelevement.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module Prelevement.
file  modPrinting.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module Direct Printing.
file  modProduct.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module to manage catalog of predefined products.
file  modProductBatch.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module productbatch.
file  modProjet.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module project.
file  modPropale.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module customer proposal.
file  modReceiptPrinter.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module Receipt Printer.
file  modReception.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module Reception.
file  modRecruitment.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module Recruitment.
file  modResource.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module Resource.
file  modSalaries.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module salaries.
file  modService.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module Service.
file  modSocialNetworks.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module SocialNetworks.
file  modSociete.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module societe (thirdparty)
file  modStock.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module Stock.
file  modStripe.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module Stripe.
file  modSupplierProposal.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module supplier proposal.
file  modSyslog.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module syslog.
file  modTakePos.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module TakePos.
file  modTax.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module taxes.
file  modTicket.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module Ticket.
file  modUser.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module users.
file  modVariants.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module product variants.
file  modWebServices.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module webservices.
file  modWebServicesClient.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module supplier webservices module.
file  modWebsite.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module Website.
file  modWorkflow.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module Workflow.
file  modWorkstation.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module Workstation.
file  modZapier.class.php [code]
 Description and activation file for the module Zapier.