23 require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.
24 require_once
35 public $table_element;
57 $this->socid = $socid;
58 $this->userid = $userid;
61 $this->from = MAIN_DB_PREFIX.$object->table_element;
62 $this->field =
64 $this->where =
" fk_statut > 0";
65 $this->where .=
" AND entity = ".((int) $conf->entity);
66 if ($this->socid > 0) {
67 $this->where .=
" AND fk_soc = ".((int) $this->socid);
69 if (is_array($this->userid) && count($this->userid) > 0) {
70 $this->where .=
' AND fk_user_create IN ('.$this->db->sanitize(join(
',', $this->userid)).
71 } elseif ($this->userid > 0) {
72 $this->where .=
" AND fk_user_create = ".((int) $this->userid);
83 $sql =
"SELECT YEAR(datec) as dm, count(*)";
84 $sql .=
" FROM ".$this->from;
85 $sql .=
86 $sql .=
" WHERE ".$this->where;
100 $sql =
"SELECT MONTH(datec) as dm, count(*)";
101 $sql .=
" FROM ".$this->from;
102 $sql .=
" WHERE YEAR(datec) = ".((int) $year);
103 $sql .=
" AND ".$this->where;
104 $sql .=
" GROUP BY dm";
105 $sql .= $this->
121 $sql =
"SELECT date_format(datec,'%m') as dm, sum(".$this->field.
122 $sql .=
" FROM ".$this->from;
123 $sql .=
" WHERE date_format(datec,'%Y') = '".$this->db->escape($year).
124 $sql .=
" AND ".$this->where;
125 $sql .=
" GROUP BY dm";
126 $sql .= $this->
141 $sql =
"SELECT date_format(datec,'%m') as dm, avg(".$this->field.
142 $sql .=
" FROM ".$this->from;
143 $sql .=
" WHERE date_format(datec,'%Y') = '".$this->db->escape($year).
144 $sql .=
" AND ".$this->where;
145 $sql .=
" GROUP BY dm";
146 $sql .= $this->
158 $sql =
"SELECT date_format(datec,'%Y') as year, count(*) as nb, sum(".$this->field.
") as total, avg(".$this->field.
") as avg";
159 $sql .=
" FROM ".$this->from;
160 $sql .=
" WHERE ".$this->where;
161 $sql .=
" GROUP BY year";
162 $sql .= $this->
Parent class of statistics class.
_getAverageByMonth($year, $sql, $format=0)
Renvoie le montant moyen par mois pour une annee donnee Return the amount average par month for a giv...
_getAmountByMonth($year, $sql, $format=0)
Return the amount per month for a given year.
Return nb of elements by year.
Return nb of elements, total amount and avg amount each year.
_getNbByMonth($year, $sql, $format=0)
Renvoie le nombre de documents par mois pour une annee donnee Return number of documents per month fo...
Classe permettant la gestion des stats des deplacements et notes de frais.
Return nb, total and average.
getNbByMonth($year, $format=0)
Return the number of tickets per month for a given year.
Renvoie le nombre de tickets par annee.
Return average amount.
getAmountByMonth($year, $format=0)
Return th eamount of tickets for a month and a given year.
__construct($db, $socid=0, $userid=0)
Class to generate the form for creating a new ticket.
$conf db
API class for accounts.