dolibarr  x.y.z
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CAccountancyCategoryClass to manage categories of an accounting account
 CAccountancyExportManage the different format accountancy export
 CAccountancyImportManage the different format accountancy import
 CAccountancySystemClass to manage accountancy systems
 CActionsAdherentCardCommonClass to manage members using default canvas
 CActionsCardCommonClasse permettant la gestion des tiers par defaut
 CActionsCardProductClass with controller methods for product canvas
 CActionsCardServiceClass with controller methods for product canvas
 CActionsContactCardCommonClasse permettant la gestion des contacts par defaut
 CActionsDatapolicyClass ActionsDatapolicy
 CActionsMyModuleClass ActionsMyModule
 CActionsStripeconnectClass Actions Stripe Connect
 CActionsTicketClass Actions of the module ticket
 CAntiVirClass to scan for virus
 CBankCategClass to manage bank categories
 CBlockedLogClass to manage Blocked Log
 CBlockedLogAuthorityClass to manage certif authority
 CBookKeepingLineClass BookKeepingLine
 CCActionCommClass to manage different types of events
 CCanvasClass to manage canvas
 CCchargesocialesClass Cchargesociales
 CCcountryClass to manage dictionary Countries (used by imports)
 CCdavLibDefine Common function to access calendar items and format it in vCalendar
 CCGenericDicClass CGenericDic
 CCMailFileClass to send emails (with attachments or not) Usage: $mailfile = new CMailFile($subject,$sendto,$replyto,$message,$filepath,$mimetype,$filename,$cc,$ccc,$deliveryreceipt,$msgishtml,$errors_to,$css,$trackid,$moreinheader,$sendcontext,$replyto); $mailfile->sendfile();
 CCommActionRapportClass to generate event report
 CCommonDocGeneratorParent class for documents generators
 CCommonObjectParent class of all other business classes (invoices, contracts, proposals, orders, ...)
 CCommonStickerGeneratorClass to generate stick sheet with format Avery or other personalised
 CConfClass to stock current configuration
 CCpaiementClass Cpaiement
 CCProductNatureClass of dictionary of nature of product (used by imports)
 CCronjoblineCrob Job line class
 CCSMSFileClass to send SMS Usage: $smsfile = new CSMSFile($subject,$sendto,$replyto,$message,$filepath,$mimetype,$filename,$cc,$ccc,$deliveryreceipt,$msgishtml,$errors_to); $smsfile->socid=...; $smsfile->contact_id=...; $smsfile->member_id=...; $smsfile->fk_project=...; $smsfile->sendfile();
 CCstateClass to manage dictionary States (used by imports)
 CCtypentClass of dictionary type of thirdparty (used by imports)
 CCtyperesourceClass Ctyperesource
 CCtyperesourceLineClass CtyperesourceLine
 CCUnitsClass of dictionary type of thirdparty (used by imports)
 CDatabaseClass to manage Dolibarr database access for an SQL database
 CDataPolicyClass DataPolicy
 CDataPolicyCronClass DataPolicyCron
 CDiffA class containing functions for computing diffs and formatting the output
 CDiscountAbsoluteClass to manage absolute discounts
 CDolEditorClass to manage a WYSIWYG editor
 CDolGeoIPClasse to manage GeoIP Usage: $geoip=new GeoIP('country',$datfile); $geoip->getCountryCodeFromIP($ip); $geoip->close();
 CDolGraphClass to build graphs
 CDolibarrApiClass for API REST v1
 CDolibarrModulesClass DolibarrModules
 CDolibarrTriggersClass that all the triggers must extend
 CDolistoreClass Dolistore
 CEcmfilesLineClass of an index line of a document
 CEvalMathClass EvalMath
 CEvalMathStackClass for internal use
 CEventsEvents class
 CExportClass to manage exports
 CExtraFieldsClass to manage standard extra fields
 CExtraLanguagesClass to manage standard extra languages
 CFileUploadThis class is used to manage file upload using ajax
 CFormClass to manage generation of HTML components Only common components must be here
 CFormActionsClass to manage building of HTML components
 CFormAdminClass to generate html code for admin pages
 CFormBankClass to manage generation of HTML components for bank module
 CFormBarCodeClass to manage barcode HTML
 CFormContractClass to manage generation of HTML components for contract module
 CFormEcmClass to manage HTML component for ECM and generic filemanager
 CFormExpenseReportClass to manage generation of HTML components for contract module
 CFormFileClass to offer components to list and upload files
 CFormInterventionClass to manage generation of HTML components for contract module
 CFormLdapClass to manage generation of HTML components for ldap module
 CFormMarginClasse permettant la generation de composants html autre Only common components are here
 CFormOtherClasse permettant la generation de composants html autre Only common components are here
 CFormProductClass with static methods for building HTML components related to products Only components common to products and services must be here
 CFormProjetsClass to manage building of HTML components
 CFormPropalClass to manage generation of HTML components for proposal management
 CFormResourceClass to manage forms for the module resource
 CFormSetupThis class help you create setup render
 CFormSetupItemThis class help to create item for class formSetup
 CFormSmsClasse permettant la generation du formulaire d'envoi de Sms Usage: $formsms = new FormSms($db) $formsms->proprietes=1 ou chaine ou tableau de valeurs $formsms->show_form() affiche le formulaire
 CFormSocialContribClass to manage generation of HTML components for social contributions management
 CFormWebsiteClass to manage component html for module website
 CGoogleAPIClass to manage Google API
 CHookManagerClass to manage hooks
 CICalClass to read/parse ICal calendars
 CImportClass to manage imports
 CInfoBoxClass to manage boxes on pages
 CInterfacesClass to manage triggers
 CLdapClass to manage LDAP features
 CLesscLessphp v0.5.0
 CLignePrelevementClass to manage withdrawals
 CLogHandlerParent class for log handlers
 CLoginAPI that allows to log in with an user account
 CMailingTargetsParent class of emailing target selectors modules
 CMailmanSpipClass to manage mailman and spip
 CMenuClass to manage left menus
 CMenubaseClass to manage menu entries
 CMenuManagerClass to manage menu Auguria
 CModeleAccountancyCodeParent class for third parties accountancy code generators
 CModeleBarCodeParent class for barcode document models
 CModeleBoxesClass ModeleBoxes
 CModeleGenPasswordParent class for password rules/management modules
 CModeleImportsParent class for import file readers
 CModeleNumRefAssetParent class to manage numbering of Asset
 CModeleNumRefBarCodeParent class for barcode numbering models
 CModeleNumRefBatchParent class to manage numbering of batch products
 CModeleNumRefBomsParent class to manage numbering of BOMs
 CModeleNumRefChequeReceiptsCheque Receipts numbering references mother class
 CModeleNumRefCommandesParent class to manage numbering of Sale Orders
 CModeleNumRefDeliveryOrderClasse mere des modeles de numerotation des references de bon de livraison
 CModeleNumRefDonsParent class of donation numbering templates
 CModeleNumRefEvaluationParent class to manage numbering of Evaluation
 CModeleNumRefExpenseReportParent class for numbering masks of expense reports
 CModeleNumRefFacturesParent class of invoice reference numbering templates
 CModeleNumRefFicheinterParent class numbering models of intervention sheet references
 CModeleNumRefKnowledgeRecordParent class to manage numbering of KnowledgeRecord
 CModeleNumRefMembersClasse mere des modeles de numerotation des references de members
 CModeleNumRefMosParent class to manage numbering of MOs
 CModeleNumRefMyObjectParent class to manage numbering of MyObject
 CModeleNumRefPartnershipParent class to manage numbering of Partnership
 CModeleNumRefPaymentsPayment numbering references mother class
 CModeleNumRefProjectsClasse mere des modeles de numerotation des references de projets
 CModeleNumRefPropalesParent class for numbering rules of proposals
 CModeleNumRefRecruitmentCandidatureParent class to manage numbering of RecruitmentCandidature
 CModeleNumRefRecruitmentJobPositionParent class to manage numbering of RecruitmentJobPosition
 CModeleNumRefStockTransferParent class to manage numbering of StockTransfer
 CModeleNumRefSupplierProposalClasse mere des modeles de numerotation des references de propales
 CModeleNumRefSuppliersInvoicesParent Class of numbering models of suppliers invoices references
 CModeleNumRefSuppliersOrdersParent Class of numbering models of suppliers orders references
 CModeleNumRefTakeposClasse mere des modeles de numerotation des tickets de caisse
 CModeleNumRefTaskClasse mere des modeles de numerotation des references de projets
 CModeleNumRefTicketClasse mere des modeles de numerotation des references de projets
 CModeleNumRefWorkstationParent class to manage numbering of Workstation
 CModelePDFCardsParent class of document generator for members cards
 CModelePDFLabelsParent class of document generator for address sheet
 CModeleProductCodeClass template for classes of numbering product
 CModeleThirdPartyCodeParent class for third parties code generators
 CModelNumRefContractsParent class for all contract numbering modules
 CModelNumRefExpeditionParent Class of numbering models of sending receipts references
 CModelNumRefHolidaysParent class for all holidays numbering modules
 CModelNumRefReceptionParent Class of numbering models of sending receipts references
 CNotifyClass to manage notifications
 CPartnershipUtilsClass with cron tasks of Partnership module
 CPaymentTermClass to manage payment terms records in dictionary
 Cpdf_paiementClasse permettant de generer les rapports de paiement
 CPriceByCustomerLineFile of class to manage predefined price products or services by customer lines
 CPriceExpressionClass for accesing price expression table
 CPriceGlobalVariableClass for accesing price global variables table
 CPriceGlobalVariableUpdaterClass for price global variable updaters table
 CPriceParserClass to parse product price expressions
 CPrintingDriverParent class of emailing target selectors modules
 CProductCombinationClass ProductCombination Used to represent a product combination
 CProductCombination2ValuePairClass ProductCombination2ValuePair Used to represent the relation between a product combination, a product attribute and a product attribute value
 CProductCombinationLevelClass ProductCombinationLevel Used to represent a product combination Level
 CPropalmergepdfproductLineClass to manage propal merge of product line
 CRejetPrelevementClass to manage standing orders rejects
 CRssParserClass to parse RSS files
 CSimpleOpenIDClass to manage OpenID
 CSMTPsClass to construct and send SMTP compliant email, even to a secure SMTP server, regardless of platform
 CStatsParent class of statistics class
 CStockTransferLineLineClass StockTransferLineLine
 CTicketsLineTicket line Class
 CTranslateClass to manage translations
 CUtilsClass to manage utility methods
 CValidateClass toolbox to validate values
 CvCardClass to buld vCard files