dolibarr  x.y.z
Public Member Functions | List of all members
FormCompany Class Reference

Class to build HTML component for third parties management Only common components are here. More...

Inheritance diagram for FormCompany:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for FormCompany:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 typent_array ($mode=0, $filter='')
 Return list of labels (translated) of third parties type. More...
 effectif_array ($mode=0, $filter='')
 Renvoie la liste des types d'effectifs possibles (pas de traduction car nombre) More...
 form_prospect_level ($page, $selected='', $htmlname='prospect_level_id', $empty=0)
 Affiche formulaire de selection des modes de reglement. More...
 formProspectContactLevel ($page, $selected='', $htmlname='prospect_contact_level_id', $empty=0)
 Affiche formulaire de selection des niveau de prospection pour les contacts. More...
 select_departement ($selected='', $country_codeid=0, $htmlname='state_id')
 Returns the drop-down list of departments/provinces/cantons for all countries or for a given country. More...
 select_state ($selected=0, $country_codeid=0, $htmlname='state_id', $morecss='maxwidth200onsmartphone minwidth300')
 Returns the drop-down list of departments/provinces/cantons for all countries or for a given country. More...
 select_region ($selected='', $htmlname='region_id')
 Retourne la liste deroulante des regions actives dont le pays est actif La cle de la liste est le code (il peut y avoir plusieurs entree pour un code donnee mais dans ce cas, le champ pays et lang differe). More...
 select_civility ($selected='', $htmlname='civility_id', $morecss='maxwidth150', $addjscombo=1)
 Return combo list with people title. More...
 select_forme_juridique ($selected='', $country_codeid=0, $filter='')
 Retourne la liste deroulante des formes juridiques tous pays confondus ou pour un pays donne. More...
 select_juridicalstatus ($selected='', $country_codeid=0, $filter='', $htmlname='forme_juridique_code', $morecss='')
 Retourne la liste deroulante des formes juridiques tous pays confondus ou pour un pays donne. More...
 selectCompaniesForNewContact ($object, $var_id, $selected='', $htmlname='newcompany', $limitto='', $forceid=0, $moreparam='', $morecss='')
 Output list of third parties. More...
 selectTypeContact ($object, $selected, $htmlname='type', $source='internal', $sortorder='position', $showempty=0, $morecss='', $output=1, $forcehidetooltip=0)
 Return a select list with types of contacts. More...
 showRoles ($htmlname, Contact $contact, $rendermode='view', $selected=array(), $morecss='minwidth500')
 showContactRoles on view and edit mode More...
 select_ziptown ($selected='', $htmlname='zipcode', $fields='', $fieldsize=0, $disableautocomplete=0, $moreattrib='', $morecss='')
 Return a select list with zip codes and their town. More...
 get_input_id_prof ($idprof, $htmlname, $preselected, $country_code, $morecss='maxwidth100onsmartphone quatrevingtpercent')
 Return HTML string to use as input of professional id into a HTML page (siren, siret, etc...) More...
 select_localtax ($local, $selected, $htmlname)
 Return a HTML select with localtax values for thirdparties. More...
 selectProspectCustomerType ($selected, $htmlname='client', $htmlidname='customerprospect', $typeinput='form', $morecss='', $allowempty='')
 Return a HTML select for thirdparty type. More...
 formThirdpartyType ($page, $selected='', $htmlname='socid', $filter='', $nooutput=0)
 Output html select to select third-party type. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Form
 __construct ($db)
 Constructor. More...
 editfieldkey ($text, $htmlname, $preselected, $object, $perm, $typeofdata='string', $moreparam='', $fieldrequired=0, $notabletag=0, $paramid='id', $help='')
 Output key field for an editable field. More...
 editfieldval ($text, $htmlname, $value, $object, $perm, $typeofdata='string', $editvalue='', $extObject=null, $custommsg=null, $moreparam='', $notabletag=0, $formatfunc='', $paramid='id', $gm='auto', $moreoptions=array())
 Output value of a field for an editable field. More...
 widgetForTranslation ($fieldname, $object, $perm, $typeofdata='string', $check='', $morecss='')
 Output edit in place form. More...
 textwithtooltip ($text, $htmltext, $tooltipon=1, $direction=0, $img='', $extracss='', $notabs=3, $incbefore='', $noencodehtmltext=0, $tooltiptrigger='', $forcenowrap=0)
 Show a text and picto with tooltip on text or picto. More...
 textwithpicto ($text, $htmltext, $direction=1, $type='help', $extracss='', $noencodehtmltext=0, $notabs=3, $tooltiptrigger='', $forcenowrap=0)
 Show a text with a picto and a tooltip on picto. More...
 selectMassAction ($selected, $arrayofaction, $alwaysvisible=0, $name='massaction', $cssclass='checkforselect')
 Generate select HTML to choose massaction. More...
 select_country ($selected='', $htmlname='country_id', $htmloption='', $maxlength=0, $morecss='minwidth300', $usecodeaskey='', $showempty=1, $disablefavorites=0, $addspecialentries=0, $exclude_country_code=array(), $hideflags=0)
 Return combo list of activated countries, into language of user. More...
 select_incoterms ($selected='', $location_incoterms='', $page='', $htmlname='incoterm_id', $htmloption='', $forcecombo=1, $events=array(), $disableautocomplete=0)
 Return select list of incoterms. More...
 select_type_of_lines ($selected='', $htmlname='type', $showempty=0, $hidetext=0, $forceall=0)
 Return list of types of lines (product or service) Example: 0=product, 1=service, 9=other (for external module) More...
 load_cache_types_fees ()
 Load into cache cache_types_fees, array of types of fees. More...
 select_type_fees ($selected='', $htmlname='type', $showempty=0)
 Return list of types of notes. More...
 select_company ($selected='', $htmlname='socid', $filter='', $showempty='', $showtype=0, $forcecombo=0, $events=array(), $limit=0, $morecss='minwidth100', $moreparam='', $selected_input_value='', $hidelabel=1, $ajaxoptions=array(), $multiple=false, $excludeids=array(), $showcode=0)
 Output html form to select a third party. More...
 select_thirdparty_list ($selected='', $htmlname='socid', $filter='', $showempty='', $showtype=0, $forcecombo=0, $events=array(), $filterkey='', $outputmode=0, $limit=0, $morecss='minwidth100', $moreparam='', $multiple=false, $excludeids=array(), $showcode=0)
 Output html form to select a third party. More...
 select_remises ($selected, $htmlname, $filter, $socid, $maxvalue=0)
 Return HTML combo list of absolute discounts. More...
 select_contacts ($socid, $selected='', $htmlname='contactid', $showempty=0, $exclude='', $limitto='', $showfunction=0, $morecss='', $showsoc=0, $forcecombo=0, $events=array(), $options_only=false, $moreparam='', $htmlid='')
 Return list of all contacts (for a third party or all) More...
 selectcontacts ($socid, $selected='', $htmlname='contactid', $showempty=0, $exclude='', $limitto='', $showfunction=0, $morecss='', $options_only=false, $showsoc=0, $forcecombo=0, $events=array(), $moreparam='', $htmlid='', $multiple=false, $disableifempty=0)
 Return HTML code of the SELECT of list of all contacts (for a third party or all). More...
 select_users ($selected='', $htmlname='userid', $show_empty=0, $exclude=null, $disabled=0, $include='', $enableonly='', $force_entity='0')
 Return the HTML select list of users. More...
 select_dolusers ($selected='', $htmlname='userid', $show_empty=0, $exclude=null, $disabled=0, $include='', $enableonly='', $force_entity='0', $maxlength=0, $showstatus=0, $morefilter='', $show_every=0, $enableonlytext='', $morecss='', $notdisabled=0, $outputmode=0, $multiple=false, $forcecombo=0)
 Return select list of users. More...
 select_dolusers_forevent ($action='', $htmlname='userid', $show_empty=0, $exclude=null, $disabled=0, $include='', $enableonly='', $force_entity='0', $maxlength=0, $showstatus=0, $morefilter='', $showproperties=0, $listofuserid=array(), $listofcontactid=array(), $listofotherid=array())
 Return select list of users. More...
 select_produits ($selected='', $htmlname='productid', $filtertype='', $limit=0, $price_level=0, $status=1, $finished=2, $selected_input_value='', $hidelabel=0, $ajaxoptions=array(), $socid=0, $showempty='1', $forcecombo=0, $morecss='', $hidepriceinlabel=0, $warehouseStatus='', $selected_combinations=null, $nooutput=0, $status_purchase=-1)
 Return list of products for customer in Ajax if Ajax activated or go to select_produits_list. More...
 select_bom ($selected='', $htmlname='bom_id', $limit=0, $status=1, $type=0, $showempty='1', $morecss='', $nooutput='', $forcecombo=0, $TProducts=[])
 Return list of BOM for customer in Ajax if Ajax activated or go to select_produits_list. More...
 select_produits_list ($selected='', $htmlname='productid', $filtertype='', $limit=20, $price_level=0, $filterkey='', $status=1, $finished=2, $outputmode=0, $socid=0, $showempty='1', $forcecombo=0, $morecss='', $hidepriceinlabel=0, $warehouseStatus='', $status_purchase=-1)
 Return list of products for a customer. More...
 select_produits_fournisseurs ($socid, $selected='', $htmlname='productid', $filtertype='', $filtre='', $ajaxoptions=array(), $hidelabel=0, $alsoproductwithnosupplierprice=0, $morecss='', $placeholder='')
 Return list of products for customer (in Ajax if Ajax activated or go to select_produits_fournisseurs_list) More...
 select_produits_fournisseurs_list ($socid, $selected='', $htmlname='productid', $filtertype='', $filtre='', $filterkey='', $statut=-1, $outputmode=0, $limit=100, $alsoproductwithnosupplierprice=0, $morecss='', $showstockinlist=0, $placeholder='')
 Return list of suppliers products. More...
 select_product_fourn_price ($productid, $htmlname='productfournpriceid', $selected_supplier='')
 Return list of suppliers prices for a product. More...
 select_address ($selected, $socid, $htmlname='address_id', $showempty=0)
 Return list of delivery address. More...
 load_cache_conditions_paiements ()
 Load into cache list of payment terms. More...
 load_cache_availability ()
 Load int a cache property th elist of possible delivery delays. More...
 selectAvailabilityDelay ($selected='', $htmlname='availid', $filtertype='', $addempty=0, $morecss='')
 Retourne la liste des types de delais de livraison possibles. More...
 loadCacheInputReason ()
 Load into cache cache_demand_reason, array of input reasons. More...
 selectInputReason ($selected='', $htmlname='demandreasonid', $exclude='', $addempty=0, $morecss='', $notooltip=0)
 Return list of input reason (events that triggered an object creation, like after sending an emailing, making an advert, ...) List found into table c_input_reason loaded by loadCacheInputReason. More...
 load_cache_types_paiements ()
 Charge dans cache la liste des types de paiements possibles. More...
 select_conditions_paiements ($selected=0, $htmlname='condid', $filtertype=-1, $addempty=0, $noinfoadmin=0, $morecss='', $deposit_percent=-1)
 print list of payment modes. More...
 getSelectConditionsPaiements ($selected=0, $htmlname='condid', $filtertype=-1, $addempty=0, $noinfoadmin=0, $morecss='', $deposit_percent=-1)
 Return list of payment modes. More...
 select_types_paiements ($selected='', $htmlname='paiementtype', $filtertype='', $format=0, $empty=1, $noadmininfo=0, $maxlength=0, $active=1, $morecss='', $nooutput=0)
 Return list of payment methods Constant MAIN_DEFAULT_PAYMENT_TYPE_ID can used to set default value but scope is all application, probably not what you want. More...
 selectPriceBaseType ($selected='', $htmlname='price_base_type', $addjscombo=0)
 Selection HT or TTC. More...
 load_cache_transport_mode ()
 Load in cache list of transport mode. More...
 selectTransportMode ($selected='', $htmlname='transportmode', $format=0, $empty=1, $noadmininfo=0, $maxlength=0, $active=1, $morecss='')
 Return list of transport mode for intracomm report. More...
 selectShippingMethod ($selected='', $htmlname='shipping_method_id', $filtre='', $useempty=0, $moreattrib='', $noinfoadmin=0, $morecss='')
 Return a HTML select list of shipping mode. More...
 formSelectShippingMethod ($page, $selected='', $htmlname='shipping_method_id', $addempty=0)
 Display form to select shipping mode. More...
 selectSituationInvoices ($selected='', $socid=0)
 Creates HTML last in cycle situation invoices selector. More...
 selectUnits ($selected='', $htmlname='units', $showempty=0, $unit_type='')
 Creates HTML units selector (code => label) More...
 select_comptes ($selected='', $htmlname='accountid', $status=0, $filtre='', $useempty=0, $moreattrib='', $showcurrency=0, $morecss='', $nooutput=0)
 Return a HTML select list of bank accounts. More...
 selectEstablishments ($selected='', $htmlname='entity', $status=0, $filtre='', $useempty=0, $moreattrib='')
 Return a HTML select list of establishment. More...
 formSelectAccount ($page, $selected='', $htmlname='fk_account', $addempty=0)
 Display form to select bank account. More...
 select_all_categories ($type, $selected='', $htmlname="parent", $maxlength=64, $markafterid=0, $outputmode=0, $include=0, $morecss='')
 Return list of categories having choosed type. More...
 form_confirm ($page, $title, $question, $action, $formquestion='', $selectedchoice="", $useajax=0, $height=170, $width=500)
 Show a confirmation HTML form or AJAX popup. More...
 formconfirm ($page, $title, $question, $action, $formquestion='', $selectedchoice='', $useajax=0, $height=0, $width=500, $disableformtag=0, $labelbuttonyes='Yes', $labelbuttonno='No')
 Show a confirmation HTML form or AJAX popup. More...
 form_project ($page, $socid, $selected='', $htmlname='projectid', $discard_closed=0, $maxlength=20, $forcefocus=0, $nooutput=0, $textifnoproject='')
 Show a form to select a project. More...
 form_conditions_reglement ($page, $selected='', $htmlname='cond_reglement_id', $addempty=0, $type='', $filtertype=-1, $deposit_percent=-1, $nooutput=0)
 Show a form to select payment conditions. More...
 form_availability ($page, $selected='', $htmlname='availability', $addempty=0)
 Show a form to select a delivery delay. More...
 formInputReason ($page, $selected='', $htmlname='demandreason', $addempty=0)
 Output HTML form to select list of input reason (events that triggered an object creation, like after sending an emailing, making an advert, ...) List found into table c_input_reason loaded by loadCacheInputReason. More...
 form_date ($page, $selected, $htmlname, $displayhour=0, $displaymin=0, $nooutput=0, $type='')
 Show a form + html select a date. More...
 form_users ($page, $selected='', $htmlname='userid', $exclude='', $include='')
 Show a select form to choose a user. More...
 form_modes_reglement ($page, $selected='', $htmlname='mode_reglement_id', $filtertype='', $active=1, $addempty=0, $type='', $nooutput=0)
 Show form with payment mode. More...
 formSelectTransportMode ($page, $selected='', $htmlname='transport_mode_id', $active=1, $addempty=0)
 Show form with transport mode. More...
 form_multicurrency_code ($page, $selected='', $htmlname='multicurrency_code')
 Show form with multicurrency code. More...
 form_multicurrency_rate ($page, $rate='', $htmlname='multicurrency_tx', $currency='')
 Show form with multicurrency rate. More...
 form_remise_dispo ($page, $selected, $htmlname, $socid, $amount, $filter='', $maxvalue=0, $more='', $hidelist=0, $discount_type=0)
 Show a select box with available absolute discounts. More...
 form_contacts ($page, $societe, $selected='', $htmlname='contactid')
 Show forms to select a contact. More...
 form_thirdparty ($page, $selected='', $htmlname='socid', $filter='', $showempty=0, $showtype=0, $forcecombo=0, $events=array(), $nooutput=0, $excludeids=array(), $textifnothirdparty='')
 Output html select to select thirdparty. More...
 select_currency ($selected='', $htmlname='currency_id')
 Retourne la liste des devises, dans la langue de l'utilisateur. More...
 selectCurrency ($selected='', $htmlname='currency_id', $mode=0, $useempty='')
 Retourne la liste des devises, dans la langue de l'utilisateur. More...
 selectMultiCurrency ($selected='', $htmlname='multicurrency_code', $useempty=0, $filter='', $excludeConfCurrency=false, $morecss='')
 Return array of currencies in user language. More...
 load_cache_vatrates ($country_code)
 Load into the cache vat rates of a country. More...
 load_tva ($htmlname='tauxtva', $selectedrate='', $societe_vendeuse='', $societe_acheteuse='', $idprod=0, $info_bits=0, $type='', $options_only=false, $mode=0)
 Output an HTML select vat rate. More...
 select_date ($set_time='', $prefix='re', $h=0, $m=0, $empty=0, $form_name="", $d=1, $addnowlink=0, $nooutput=0, $disabled=0, $fullday='', $addplusone='', $adddateof='')
 Show a HTML widget to input a date or combo list for day, month, years and optionaly hours and minutes. More...
 selectDateToDate ($set_time='', $set_time_end='', $prefix='re', $empty=0, $forcenewline=0)
 Show 2 HTML widget to input a date or combo list for day, month, years and optionaly hours and minutes. More...
 selectDate ($set_time='', $prefix='re', $h=0, $m=0, $empty=0, $form_name="", $d=1, $addnowlink=0, $disabled=0, $fullday='', $addplusone='', $adddateof='', $openinghours='', $stepminutes=1, $labeladddateof='', $placeholder='', $gm='auto')
 Show a HTML widget to input a date or combo list for day, month, years and optionaly hours and minutes. More...
 selectTypeDuration ($prefix, $selected='i', $excludetypes=array())
 selectTypeDuration More...
 select_duration ($prefix, $iSecond='', $disabled=0, $typehour='select', $minunderhours=0, $nooutput=0)
 Function to show a form to select a duration on a page. More...
 selectTickets ($selected='', $htmlname='ticketid', $filtertype='', $limit=0, $status=1, $selected_input_value='', $hidelabel=0, $ajaxoptions=array(), $socid=0, $showempty='1', $forcecombo=0, $morecss='', $selected_combinations=null, $nooutput=0)
 Return list of tickets in Ajax if Ajax activated or go to selectTicketsList. More...
 selectTicketsList ($selected='', $htmlname='ticketid', $filtertype='', $limit=20, $filterkey='', $status=1, $outputmode=0, $showempty='1', $forcecombo=0, $morecss='')
 Return list of tickets. More...
 selectProjects ($selected='', $htmlname='projectid', $filtertype='', $limit=0, $status=1, $selected_input_value='', $hidelabel=0, $ajaxoptions=array(), $socid=0, $showempty='1', $forcecombo=0, $morecss='', $selected_combinations=null, $nooutput=0)
 Return list of projects in Ajax if Ajax activated or go to selectTicketsList. More...
 selectProjectsList ($selected='', $htmlname='projectid', $filtertype='', $limit=20, $filterkey='', $status=1, $outputmode=0, $showempty='1', $forcecombo=0, $morecss='')
 Return list of projects. More...
 selectMembers ($selected='', $htmlname='adherentid', $filtertype='', $limit=0, $status=1, $selected_input_value='', $hidelabel=0, $ajaxoptions=array(), $socid=0, $showempty='1', $forcecombo=0, $morecss='', $selected_combinations=null, $nooutput=0)
 Return list of members in Ajax if Ajax activated or go to selectTicketsList. More...
 selectMembersList ($selected='', $htmlname='adherentid', $filtertype='', $limit=20, $filterkey='', $status=1, $outputmode=0, $showempty='1', $forcecombo=0, $morecss='')
 Return list of adherents. More...
 selectForForms ($objectdesc, $htmlname, $preselectedvalue, $showempty='', $searchkey='', $placeholder='', $morecss='', $moreparams='', $forcecombo=0, $disabled=0, $selected_input_value='')
 Generic method to select a component from a combo list. More...
 selectForFormsList ($objecttmp, $htmlname, $preselectedvalue, $showempty='', $searchkey='', $placeholder='', $morecss='', $moreparams='', $forcecombo=0, $outputmode=0, $disabled=0, $sortfield='', $filter='')
 Output html form to select an object. More...
 showCategories ($id, $type, $rendermode=0, $nolink=0)
 Render list of categories linked to object with id $id and type $type. More...
 showLinkedObjectBlock ($object, $morehtmlright='', $compatibleImportElementsList=false, $title='RelatedObjects')
 Show linked object block. More...
 showLinkToObjectBlock ($object, $restrictlinksto=array(), $excludelinksto=array())
 Show block with links to link to other objects. More...
 selectyesno ($htmlname, $value='', $option=0, $disabled=false, $useempty=0, $addjscombo=0, $morecss='', $labelyes='Yes', $labelno='No')
 Return an html string with a select combo box to choose yes or no. More...
 select_export_model ($selected='', $htmlname='exportmodelid', $type='', $useempty=0)
 Return list of export templates. More...
 showrefnav ($object, $paramid, $morehtml='', $shownav=1, $fieldid='rowid', $fieldref='ref', $morehtmlref='', $moreparam='', $nodbprefix=0, $morehtmlleft='', $morehtmlstatus='', $morehtmlright='')
 Return a HTML area with the reference of object and a navigation bar for a business object Note: To complete search with a particular filter on select, you can set $object->next_prev_filter set to define SQL criterias. More...
 showbarcode (&$object, $width=100, $morecss='')
 Return HTML code to output a barcode. More...
 select_dolgroups ($selected='', $htmlname='groupid', $show_empty=0, $exclude='', $disabled=0, $include='', $enableonly='', $force_entity='0', $multiple=false, $morecss='')
 Return select list of groups. More...
 showFilterButtons ($pos='')
 Return HTML to show the search and clear seach button. More...
 showCheckAddButtons ($cssclass='checkforaction', $calljsfunction=0, $massactionname="massaction")
 Return HTML to show the search and clear search button. More...
 showFilterAndCheckAddButtons ($addcheckuncheckall=0, $cssclass='checkforaction', $calljsfunction=0, $massactionname="massaction")
 Return HTML to show the search and clear seach button. More...
 selectExpenseCategories ($selected='', $htmlname='fk_c_exp_tax_cat', $useempty=0, $excludeid=array(), $target='', $default_selected=0, $params=array(), $info_admin=1)
 Return HTML to show the select of expense categories. More...
 selectExpenseRanges ($selected='', $htmlname='fk_range', $useempty=0)
 Return HTML to show the select ranges of expense range. More...
 selectExpense ($selected='', $htmlname='fk_c_type_fees', $useempty=0, $allchoice=1, $useid=0)
 Return HTML to show a select of expense. More...
 selectInvoice ($socid=-1, $selected='', $htmlname='invoiceid', $maxlength=24, $option_only=0, $show_empty='1', $discard_closed=0, $forcefocus=0, $disabled=0, $morecss='maxwidth500', $projectsListId='', $showproject='all', $usertofilter=null)
 Output a combo list with invoices qualified for a third party. More...
 selectInvoiceRec ($selected='', $htmlname='facrecid', $maxlength=24, $option_only=0, $show_empty='1', $forcefocus=0, $disabled=0, $morecss='maxwidth500')
 Output a combo list with invoices qualified for a third party. More...
 searchComponent ($arrayofcriterias, $search_component_params, $arrayofinputfieldsalreadyoutput=array(), $search_component_params_hidden='')
 Output the component to make advanced search criteries. More...
 selectModelMail ($prefix, $modelType='', $default=0, $addjscombo=0)
 selectModelMail More...
 buttonsSaveCancel ($save_label='Save', $cancel_label='Cancel', $morebuttons=array(), $withoutdiv=0, $morecss='', $dol_openinpopup='')
 Output the buttons to submit a creation/edit form. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Form
static selectarray ($htmlname, $array, $id='', $show_empty=0, $key_in_label=0, $value_as_key=0, $moreparam='', $translate=0, $maxlen=0, $disabled=0, $sort='', $morecss='minwidth75', $addjscombo=1, $moreparamonempty='', $disablebademail=0, $nohtmlescape=0)
 Return a HTML select string, built from an array of key+value. More...
static selectArrayAjax ($htmlname, $url, $id='', $moreparam='', $moreparamtourl='', $disabled=0, $minimumInputLength=1, $morecss='', $callurlonselect=0, $placeholder='', $acceptdelayedhtml=0)
 Return a HTML select string, built from an array of key+value, but content returned into select come from an Ajax call of an URL. More...
static selectArrayFilter ($htmlname, $array, $id='', $moreparam='', $disableFiltering=0, $disabled=0, $minimumInputLength=1, $morecss='', $callurlonselect=0, $placeholder='', $acceptdelayedhtml=0)
 Return a HTML select string, built from an array of key+value, but content returned into select is defined into $array parameter. More...
static multiselectarray ($htmlname, $array, $selected=array(), $key_in_label=0, $value_as_key=0, $morecss='', $translate=0, $width=0, $moreattrib='', $elemtype='', $placeholder='', $addjscombo=-1)
 Show a multiselect form from an array. More...
static multiSelectArrayWithCheckbox ($htmlname, &$array, $varpage, $pos='')
 Show a multiselect dropbox from an array. More...
static showphoto ($modulepart, $object, $width=100, $height=0, $caneditfield=0, $cssclass='photowithmargin', $imagesize='', $addlinktofullsize=1, $cache=0, $forcecapture='', $noexternsourceoverwrite=0)
 Return HTML code to output a photo. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Form
 editInPlace ($object, $value, $htmlname, $condition, $inputType='textarea', $editvalue=null, $extObject=null, $custommsg=null)
 Output edit in place form. More...
 constructProductListOption (&$objp, &$opt, &$optJson, $price_level, $selected, $hidepriceinlabel=0, $filterkey='', $novirtualstock=0)
 Function to forge the string with OPTIONs of SELECT. More...
 constructTicketListOption (&$objp, &$opt, &$optJson, $selected, $filterkey='')
 constructTicketListOption. More...
 constructProjectListOption (&$objp, &$opt, &$optJson, $selected, $filterkey='')
 constructProjectListOption. More...
 constructMemberListOption (&$objp, &$opt, &$optJson, $selected, $filterkey='')
 constructMemberListOption. More...
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from Form
static forgeCriteriaCallback ($matches)
 Function to forge a SQL criteria. More...

Detailed Description

Class to build HTML component for third parties management Only common components are here.

Class of forms component to manage companies

Definition at line 40 of file html.formcompany.class.php.

Member Function Documentation

◆ effectif_array()

FormCompany::effectif_array (   $mode = 0,
  $filter = '' 

Renvoie la liste des types d'effectifs possibles (pas de traduction car nombre)

int$mode0=renvoi id+libelle, 1=renvoi code+libelle
string$filterAdd a SQL filter to select. Data must not come from user input.
array Array of types d'effectifs

Definition at line 102 of file html.formcompany.class.php.

◆ form_prospect_level()

FormCompany::form_prospect_level (   $page,
  $selected = '',
  $htmlname = 'prospect_level_id',
  $empty = 0 

Affiche formulaire de selection des modes de reglement.

int$selectedId or code preselected
string$htmlnameNom du formulaire select
int$emptyAdd empty value in list

Definition at line 147 of file html.formcompany.class.php.

◆ formProspectContactLevel()

FormCompany::formProspectContactLevel (   $page,
  $selected = '',
  $htmlname = 'prospect_contact_level_id',
  $empty = 0 

Affiche formulaire de selection des niveau de prospection pour les contacts.

int$selectedId or code preselected
string$htmlnameNom du formulaire select
int$emptyAdd empty value in list

Definition at line 199 of file html.formcompany.class.php.

◆ formThirdpartyType()

FormCompany::formThirdpartyType (   $page,
  $selected = '',
  $htmlname = 'socid',
  $filter = '',
  $nooutput = 0 

Output html select to select third-party type.

string$selectedId preselected
string$htmlnameName of HTML select
string$filteroptional filters criteras
int$nooutputNo print output. Return it only.

Definition at line 1090 of file html.formcompany.class.php.

◆ get_input_id_prof()

FormCompany::get_input_id_prof (   $idprof,
  $morecss = 'maxwidth100onsmartphone quatrevingtpercent' 

Return HTML string to use as input of professional id into a HTML page (siren, siret, etc...)

int$idprof1,2,3,4 (Example: 1=siren,2=siret,3=naf,4=rcs/rm)
string$htmlnameName of HTML select
string$preselectedDefault value to show
string$country_codeFR, IT, ...
string$morecssMore css
string HTML string with prof id

Definition at line 911 of file html.formcompany.class.php.

◆ select_civility()

FormCompany::select_civility (   $selected = '',
  $htmlname = 'civility_id',
  $morecss = 'maxwidth150',
  $addjscombo = 1 

Return combo list with people title.

string$selectedCivility/Title code preselected
string$htmlnameName of HTML select combo field
string$morecssAdd more css on SELECT element
int$addjscomboAdd js combo
string String with HTML select

Definition at line 439 of file html.formcompany.class.php.

◆ select_departement()

FormCompany::select_departement (   $selected = '',
  $country_codeid = 0,
  $htmlname = 'state_id' 

Returns the drop-down list of departments/provinces/cantons for all countries or for a given country.

In the case of an all-country list, the display breaks on the country. The key of the list is the code (there can be several entries for a given code but in this case, the country field differs). Thus the links with the departments are done on a department independently of its name.

string$selectedCode state preselected
int$country_codeid0=list for all countries, otherwise country code or country rowid to show
string$htmlnameId of department

Definition at line 253 of file html.formcompany.class.php.

◆ select_forme_juridique()

FormCompany::select_forme_juridique (   $selected = '',
  $country_codeid = 0,
  $filter = '' 

Retourne la liste deroulante des formes juridiques tous pays confondus ou pour un pays donne.

Dans le cas d'une liste tous pays confondu, on affiche une rupture sur le pays.

string$selectedCode forme juridique a pre-selectionne
mixed$country_codeid0=liste tous pays confondus, sinon code du pays a afficher
string$filterAdd a SQL filter on list
Use print xxx->select_juridicalstatus instead
See also

Definition at line 500 of file html.formcompany.class.php.

◆ select_juridicalstatus()

FormCompany::select_juridicalstatus (   $selected = '',
  $country_codeid = 0,
  $filter = '',
  $htmlname = 'forme_juridique_code',
  $morecss = '' 

Retourne la liste deroulante des formes juridiques tous pays confondus ou pour un pays donne.

Dans le cas d'une liste tous pays confondu, on affiche une rupture sur le pays

string$selectedPreselected code of juridical type
int$country_codeid0=list for all countries, otherwise list only country requested
string$filterAdd a SQL filter on list. Data must not come from user input.
string$htmlnameHTML name of select
string$morecssMore CSS
string String with HTML select

Definition at line 518 of file html.formcompany.class.php.

◆ select_localtax()

FormCompany::select_localtax (   $local,

Return a HTML select with localtax values for thirdparties.

int$selectedPreselected value
string$htmlnameHTML select name

Definition at line 987 of file html.formcompany.class.php.

◆ select_region()

FormCompany::select_region (   $selected = '',
  $htmlname = 'region_id' 

Retourne la liste deroulante des regions actives dont le pays est actif La cle de la liste est le code (il peut y avoir plusieurs entree pour un code donnee mais dans ce cas, le champ pays et lang differe).

Ainsi les liens avec les regions se font sur une region independemment de son name.

string$selectedPreselected value
string$htmlnameName of HTML select field

Definition at line 381 of file html.formcompany.class.php.

◆ select_state()

FormCompany::select_state (   $selected = 0,
  $country_codeid = 0,
  $htmlname = 'state_id',
  $morecss = 'maxwidth200onsmartphone  minwidth300' 

Returns the drop-down list of departments/provinces/cantons for all countries or for a given country.

In the case of an all-country list, the display breaks on the country. The key of the list is the code (there can be several entries for a given code but in this case, the country field differs). Thus the links with the departments are done on a department independently of its name.

int$selectedCode state preselected (mus be state id)
integer$country_codeidCountry code or id: 0=list for all countries, otherwise country code or country rowid to show
string$htmlnameId of department. If '', we want only the string with <option>
string$morecssAdd more css
string String with HTML select
See also

Definition at line 273 of file html.formcompany.class.php.

◆ select_ziptown()

FormCompany::select_ziptown (   $selected = '',
  $htmlname = 'zipcode',
  $fields = '',
  $fieldsize = 0,
  $disableautocomplete = 0,
  $moreattrib = '',
  $morecss = '' 

Return a select list with zip codes and their town.

string$selectedPreselected value
string$htmlnameHTML select name
array$fieldsArray with key of fields to refresh after selection
int$fieldsizeField size
int$disableautocomplete1 To disable ajax autocomplete features (browser autocomplete may still occurs)
string$moreattribAdd more attribute on HTML input field
string$morecssMore css

Definition at line 879 of file html.formcompany.class.php.

◆ selectCompaniesForNewContact()

FormCompany::selectCompaniesForNewContact (   $object,
  $selected = '',
  $htmlname = 'newcompany',
  $limitto = '',
  $forceid = 0,
  $moreparam = '',
  $morecss = '' 

Output list of third parties.

object$objectObject we try to find contacts
string$var_idName of id field
string$selectedPre-selected third party
string$htmlnameName of HTML form
array$limittoDisable answers that are not id in this array list
int$forceidThis is to force another object id than object->id
string$moreparamString with more param to add into url when noajax search is used.
string$morecssMore CSS on select component
int The selected third party ID

Definition at line 619 of file html.formcompany.class.php.

◆ selectProspectCustomerType()

FormCompany::selectProspectCustomerType (   $selected,
  $htmlname = 'client',
  $htmlidname = 'customerprospect',
  $typeinput = 'form',
  $morecss = '',
  $allowempty = '' 

Return a HTML select for thirdparty type.

int$selectedSelected value
string$htmlnameHTML select name
string$htmlidnameHTML select id
string$typeinputHTML output
string$morecssMore css
string$allowemptyAllow empty value or not
string HTML string

Definition at line 1026 of file html.formcompany.class.php.

◆ selectTypeContact()

FormCompany::selectTypeContact (   $object,
  $htmlname = 'type',
  $source = 'internal',
  $sortorder = 'position',
  $showempty = 0,
  $morecss = '',
  $output = 1,
  $forcehidetooltip = 0 

Return a select list with types of contacts.

object$objectObject to use to find type of contact
string$selectedDefault selected value
string$htmlnameHTML select name
string$sourceSource ('internal' or 'external')
string$sortorderSort criteria ('position', 'code', ...)
int$showempty1=Add en empty line
string$morecssAdd more css to select component
int$output0=return HTML, 1= direct print
int$forcehidetooltipForce hide tooltip for admin
string|void Depending on $output param, return the HTML select list (recommended method) or nothing

Definition at line 790 of file html.formcompany.class.php.

◆ showRoles()

FormCompany::showRoles (   $htmlname,
Contact  $contact,
  $rendermode = 'view',
  $selected = array(),
  $morecss = 'minwidth500' 

showContactRoles on view and edit mode

string$htmlnameHtml component name and id
Contact$contactContact Obejct
string$rendermodeview, edit
array$selected$key=>$val $val is selected Roles for input mode
string$morecssMore css
string String with contacts roles

Definition at line 835 of file html.formcompany.class.php.

◆ typent_array()

FormCompany::typent_array (   $mode = 0,
  $filter = '' 

Return list of labels (translated) of third parties type.

int$mode0=Return id+label, 1=Return code+label
string$filterAdd a SQL filter to select. Data must not come from user input.
array Array of types

Definition at line 51 of file html.formcompany.class.php.

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