dolibarr  x.y.z
facture Directory Reference



file  card-rec.php [code]
 Page to show predefined invoice.
file  card.php [code]
 Page to create/see an invoice.
file  contact.php [code]
 Onglet de gestion des contacts des factures.
file  document.php [code]
 Page for attached files on invoices.
file  index.php [code]
 Home page of customer invoices area.
file  info.php [code]
 Page des informations d'une facture.
file  invoicetemplate_list.php [code]
 Page to show list of template/recurring invoices.
file  list.php [code]
 List of customer invoices.
file  note.php [code]
 Fiche de notes sur une facture.
file  prelevement.php [code]
 Management of direct debit order or credit tranfer of invoices.