dolibarr  x.y.z
hrm Directory Reference


directory  core


file  evaluation_agenda.php [code]
 Tab of events on Evaluation.
file  evaluation_card.php [code]
 Page to create/edit/view evaluation.
file  evaluation_contact.php [code]
 Tab for contacts linked to Evaluation.
file  evaluation_document.php [code]
 Tab for documents linked to Evaluation.
file  evaluation_list.php [code]
 List page for evaluation.
file  evaluation_note.php [code]
 Tab for notes on Evaluation.
file  index.php [code]
 Home page for HRM area.
file  job_agenda.php [code]
 Tab of events on Job.
file  job_card.php [code]
 Page to create/edit/view job.
file  job_contact.php [code]
 Tab for contacts linked to Job.
file  job_document.php [code]
 Tab for documents linked to Job.
file  job_list.php [code]
 List page of jobs.
file  job_note.php [code]
 Tab for notes on Job.
file  position.php [code]
 Page to create/edit/view position.
file  position_agenda.php [code]
 Tab of events on Position.
file  position_card.php [code]
 Page to create/edit/view job position.
file  position_contact.php [code]
 Tab for contacts linked to Job Position.
file  position_document.php [code]
 Tab for documents linked to Position.
file  position_list.php [code]
 List page for job positions.
file  position_note.php [code]
 Tab for notes on Position.
file  skill_agenda.php [code]
 Tab of events on skill.
file  skill_card.php [code]
 Page to create/edit/view skills.
file  skill_contact.php [code]
 Tab for contacts linked to Skill.
file  skill_document.php [code]
 Tab for documents linked to skill.
file  skill_list.php [code]
 List page for skill.
file  skill_note.php [code]
 Tab for notes on skill.
file  skill_tab.php [code]
 Page to add/delete/view skill to jobs/users.