dolibarr  x.y.z
admin Directory Reference


file  dynamic_prices.php [code]
 Page for configuring dynamic prices.
file  inventory_extrafields.php [code]
 Page to setup extra fields of inventory.
file  product.php [code]
 Setup page of product module.
file  product_extrafields.php [code]
 Page to setup extra fields of third party.
file  product_lot.php [code]
 Setup page of product lot module.
file  product_lot_extrafields.php [code]
 Page to setup extra fields of third party.
file  product_supplier_extrafields.php [code]
 Page to setup extra fields of products.
file  product_tools.php [code]
 Setup page of product module.
file  stock_extrafields.php [code]
 Page to setup extra fields of third party.
file  stock_mouvement_extrafields.php [code]
 Page to setup extra fields of stock mouvement.