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project.lib.php File Reference

Functions used by project module. More...

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 project_prepare_head (Project $project, $moreparam='')
 Prepare array with list of tabs. More...
 task_prepare_head ($object)
 Prepare array with list of tabs. More...
 project_timesheet_prepare_head ($mode, $fuser=null)
 Prepare array with list of tabs. More...
 project_admin_prepare_head ()
 Prepare array with list of tabs. More...
 projectLinesa (&$inc, $parent, &$lines, &$level, $var, $showproject, &$taskrole, $projectsListId='', $addordertick=0, $projectidfortotallink=0, $filterprogresscalc='', $showbilltime=0, $arrayfields=array())
 Show task lines with a particular parent. More...
 projectLinesPerAction (&$inc, $parent, $fuser, $lines, &$level, &$projectsrole, &$tasksrole, $mine, $restricteditformytask, $preselectedday, &$isavailable, $oldprojectforbreak=0)
 Output a task line into a pertime intput mode. More...
 projectLinesPerDay (&$inc, $parent, $fuser, $lines, &$level, &$projectsrole, &$tasksrole, $mine, $restricteditformytask, $preselectedday, &$isavailable, $oldprojectforbreak=0, $arrayfields=array(), $extrafields=null)
 Output a task line into a pertime intput mode. More...
 projectLinesPerWeek (&$inc, $firstdaytoshow, $fuser, $parent, $lines, &$level, &$projectsrole, &$tasksrole, $mine, $restricteditformytask, &$isavailable, $oldprojectforbreak=0, $arrayfields=array(), $extrafields=null)
 Output a task line into a perday intput mode. More...
 projectLinesPerMonth (&$inc, $firstdaytoshow, $fuser, $parent, $lines, &$level, &$projectsrole, &$tasksrole, $mine, $restricteditformytask, &$isavailable, $oldprojectforbreak=0, $TWeek=array())
 Output a task line into a perday intput mode. More...
 searchTaskInChild (&$inc, $parent, &$lines, &$taskrole)
 Search in task lines with a particular parent if there is a task for a particular user (in taskrole) More...
 print_projecttasks_array ($db, $form, $socid, $projectsListId, $mytasks=0, $status=-1, $listofoppstatus=array(), $hiddenfields=array())
 Return HTML table with list of projects and number of opened tasks. More...
 getTaskProgressView ($task, $label=true, $progressNumber=true, $hideOnProgressNull=false, $spaced=false)
 getTaskProgressBadge ($task, $label='', $tooltip='')

Detailed Description

Functions used by project module.

Definition in file project.lib.php.

Function Documentation

◆ getTaskProgressBadge()

getTaskProgressBadge (   $task,
  $label = '',
  $tooltip = '' 
Task$taskthe task object
string$labelempty = auto (progress), string = replace output
string$tooltipempty = auto , string = replace output
See also

Definition at line 2882 of file project.lib.php.

◆ getTaskProgressView()

getTaskProgressView (   $task,
  $label = true,
  $progressNumber = true,
  $hideOnProgressNull = false,
  $spaced = false 
Task$taskthe task object
bool | string$labeltrue = auto, false = dont display, string = replace output
bool | string$progressNumbertrue = auto, false = dont display, string = replace output
bool$hideOnProgressNullhide if progress is null
bool$spacedused to add space at bottom (made by css)
See also

Definition at line 2750 of file project.lib.php.

◆ print_projecttasks_array()

print_projecttasks_array (   $db,
  $mytasks = 0,
  $status = -1,
  $listofoppstatus = array(),
  $hiddenfields = array() 

Return HTML table with list of projects and number of opened tasks.

DoliDB$dbDatabase handler
Form$formObject form
int$socidId thirdparty
int$projectsListIdId of project I have permission on
int$mytasksLimited to task I am contact to
int$status-1=No filter on statut, 0 or 1 = Filter on status
array$listofoppstatusList of opportunity status
array$hiddenfieldsList of info to not show ('projectlabel', 'declaredprogress', '...', )

Definition at line 2432 of file project.lib.php.

◆ project_admin_prepare_head()

project_admin_prepare_head ( )

Prepare array with list of tabs.

array Array of tabs to show

Definition at line 505 of file project.lib.php.

◆ project_prepare_head()

project_prepare_head ( Project  $project,
  $moreparam = '' 

Prepare array with list of tabs.

Project$projectObject related to tabs
string$moreparamMore param on url
array Array of tabs to show

Definition at line 38 of file project.lib.php.

◆ project_timesheet_prepare_head()

project_timesheet_prepare_head (   $mode,
  $fuser = null 

Prepare array with list of tabs.

string$fuserFilter on user
array Array of tabs to show

Definition at line 457 of file project.lib.php.

◆ projectLinesa()

projectLinesa ( $inc,
  $projectsListId = '',
  $addordertick = 0,
  $projectidfortotallink = 0,
  $filterprogresscalc = '',
  $showbilltime = 0,
  $arrayfields = array() 

Show task lines with a particular parent.

string$incLine number (start to 0, then increased by recursive call)
string$parentId of parent project to show (0 to show all)
Task[]$linesArray of lines
int$levelLevel (start to 0, then increased/decrease by recursive call), or -1 to show all level in order of $lines without the recursive groupment feature.
int$showprojectShow project columns
int$taskroleArray of roles of user for each tasks
int$projectsListIdList of id of project allowed to user (string separated with comma)
int$addordertickAdd a tick to move task
int$projectidfortotallink0 or Id of project to use on total line (link to see all time consumed for project)
string$filterprogresscalcfilter text
string$showbilltimeAdd the column 'TimeToBill' and 'TimeBilled'
array$arrayfieldsArray with displayed coloumn information
int Nb of tasks shown

Definition at line 574 of file project.lib.php.

◆ projectLinesPerAction()

projectLinesPerAction ( $inc,
  $oldprojectforbreak = 0 

Output a task line into a pertime intput mode.

string$incLine number (start to 0, then increased by recursive call)
string$parentId of parent task to show (0 to show all)
User | null$fuserRestrict list to user if defined
Task[]$linesArray of lines
int$levelLevel (start to 0, then increased/decrease by recursive call)
string$projectsroleArray of roles user has on project
string$tasksroleArray of roles user has on task
string$mineShow only task lines I am assigned to
int$restricteditformytask0=No restriction, 1=Enable add time only if task is a task i am affected to
int$preselecteddayPreselected day
array$isavailableArray with data that say if user is available for several days for morning and afternoon
int$oldprojectforbreakOld project id of last project break
array Array with time spent for $fuser for each day of week on tasks in $lines and substasks

Definition at line 1084 of file project.lib.php.

◆ projectLinesPerDay()

projectLinesPerDay ( $inc,
  $oldprojectforbreak = 0,
  $arrayfields = array(),
  $extrafields = null 

Output a task line into a pertime intput mode.

string$incLine number (start to 0, then increased by recursive call)
string$parentId of parent task to show (0 to show all)
User | null$fuserRestrict list to user if defined
Task[]$linesArray of lines
int$levelLevel (start to 0, then increased/decrease by recursive call)
string$projectsroleArray of roles user has on project
string$tasksroleArray of roles user has on task
string$mineShow only task lines I am assigned to
int$restricteditformytask0=No restriction, 1=Enable add time only if task is assigned to me, 2=Enable add time only if tasks is assigned to me and hide others
int$preselecteddayPreselected day
array$isavailableArray with data that say if user is available for several days for morning and afternoon
int$oldprojectforbreakOld project id of last project break
array$arrayfieldsArray of additional column
Extrafields$extrafieldsObject extrafields
array Array with time spent for $fuser for each day of week on tasks in $lines and substasks

Definition at line 1319 of file project.lib.php.

◆ projectLinesPerMonth()

projectLinesPerMonth ( $inc,
  $oldprojectforbreak = 0,
  $TWeek = array() 

Output a task line into a perday intput mode.

string$incLine output identificator (start to 0, then increased by recursive call)
int$firstdaytoshowFirst day to show
User | null$fuserRestrict list to user if defined
string$parentId of parent task to show (0 to show all)
Task[]$linesArray of lines (list of tasks but we will show only if we have a specific role on task)
int$levelLevel (start to 0, then increased/decrease by recursive call)
string$projectsroleArray of roles user has on project
string$tasksroleArray of roles user has on task
string$mineShow only task lines I am assigned to
int$restricteditformytask0=No restriction, 1=Enable add time only if task is a task i am affected to
array$isavailableArray with data that say if user is available for several days for morning and afternoon
int$oldprojectforbreakOld project id of last project break
array$TWeekArray of week numbers
array Array with time spent for $fuser for each day of week on tasks in $lines and substasks

Definition at line 2118 of file project.lib.php.

◆ projectLinesPerWeek()

projectLinesPerWeek ( $inc,
  $oldprojectforbreak = 0,
  $arrayfields = array(),
  $extrafields = null 

Output a task line into a perday intput mode.

string$incLine output identificator (start to 0, then increased by recursive call)
int$firstdaytoshowFirst day to show
User | null$fuserRestrict list to user if defined
string$parentId of parent task to show (0 to show all)
Task[]$linesArray of lines (list of tasks but we will show only if we have a specific role on task)
int$levelLevel (start to 0, then increased/decrease by recursive call)
string$projectsroleArray of roles user has on project
string$tasksroleArray of roles user has on task
string$mineShow only task lines I am assigned to
int$restricteditformytask0=No restriction, 1=Enable add time only if task is assigned to me, 2=Enable add time only if tasks is assigned to me and hide others
array$isavailableArray with data that say if user is available for several days for morning and afternoon
int$oldprojectforbreakOld project id of last project break
array$arrayfieldsArray of additional column
Extrafields$extrafieldsObject extrafields
array Array with time spent for $fuser for each day of week on tasks in $lines and substasks

Definition at line 1725 of file project.lib.php.

◆ searchTaskInChild()

searchTaskInChild ( $inc,

Search in task lines with a particular parent if there is a task for a particular user (in taskrole)

string$incCounter that count number of lines legitimate to show (for return)
int$parentId of parent task to start
array$linesArray of all tasks
string$taskroleArray of task filtered on a particular user
int 1 if there is

Definition at line 2393 of file project.lib.php.

◆ task_prepare_head()

task_prepare_head (   $object)

Prepare array with list of tabs.

Object$objectObject related to tabs
array Array of tabs to show

Definition at line 350 of file project.lib.php.