26 require
27 require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.
28 require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.
31 $langs->loadLangs(array(
37 if ($user->socid > 0) {
38 $socid = $user->socid;
41 $backtopage =
42 $cancel =
43 $action =
46 if ($user->socid > 0) {
49 $result =
'societe', $id,
'rowid', 0);
57 if (!empty($backtopage)) {
58 header(
"Location: ".$backtopage);
65 if ($action ==
'setremise') {
69 $discount_type =
71 if (!empty($discount_type)) {
78 if (!empty($backtopage)) {
79 header(
"Location: ".$backtopage);
82 header(
"Location: remise.php?id=".
108 $object->fetch($socid);
112 $isCustomer = ($object->client == 1 || $object->client == 3);
113 $isSupplier = $object->fournisseur == 1;
115 print
'<form method="POST" action="remise.php?id='.$object->id.
116 print
'<input type="hidden" name="token" value="'.newToken().
117 print
'<input type="hidden" name="action" value="setremise">';
118 print
'<input type="hidden" name="backtopage" value="'.$backtopage.
120 print
'relativediscount', $langs->trans(
"ThirdParty"), -1,
122 dol_banner_tab($object,
'', ($user->socid ? 0 : 1),
124 print
'<div class="fichecenter">';
126 print
'<div class="underbanner clearboth"></div>';
128 if (!$isCustomer && !$isSupplier) {
129 print
'<p class="opacitymedium">'.$langs->trans(
141 print
'<table class="border centpercent">';
145 print
'<tr><td class="titlefield">';
146 print $langs->trans(
151 print
'<tr><td class="titlefield">';
152 print $langs->trans(
160 print
'<div class="underbanner clearboth"></div>';
172 print
'<table class="border centpercent">';
174 if ($isCustomer || $isSupplier) {
176 print
'<tr><td class="titlefield fieldrequired">'.$langs->trans(
178 print
'<input type="radio" name="discount_type" id="discount_type_0" '.(GETPOSTISSET(
'discount_type') ? (
'int') == 0 ?
' checked' :
'') :
' checked').
' value="0"> <label for="discount_type_0">'.$langs->trans(
181 print
' <input type="radio" name="discount_type" id="discount_type_1"'.(GETPOSTISSET(
'discount_type') ? (
'int') ?
' checked' :
'') : ($isCustomer ?
'' :
' checked')).
' value="1"> <label for="discount_type_1">'.$langs->trans(
187 print
'<tr><td class="titlefield fieldrequired">';
188 print $langs->trans(
'</td><td><input type="text" size="5" name="remise" value="'.
191 print
'<tr><td class="fieldrequired">';
192 print $langs->trans(
'</td><td><input type="text" size="60" name="note" value="'.
200 print
208 print
'<div class="fichecenter">';
209 print
'<div class="fichehalfleft">';
216 $sql =
"SELECT rc.rowid, rc.remise_client as remise_percent, rc.note, rc.datec as dc,";
217 $sql .=
" u.login, u.rowid as user_id";
218 $sql .=
"societe_remise as rc, ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX.
"user as u";
219 $sql .=
" WHERE rc.fk_soc = ".((int) $object->id);
220 $sql .=
" AND rc.entity IN (".getEntity(
221 $sql .=
" AND u.rowid = rc.fk_user_author";
222 $sql .=
" ORDER BY rc.datec DESC";
224 $resql = $db->query($sql);
226 print
'<table class="noborder centpercent">';
228 print
'<tr class="liste_titre">';
229 print
'<td width="160">'.$langs->trans(
230 print
'<td width="160" align="center">'.$langs->trans(
231 print
'<td class="left">'.$langs->trans(
232 print
'<td class="center">'.$langs->trans(
234 $num = $db->num_rows(
238 $obj = $db->fetch_object(
239 print
'<tr class="oddeven">';
240 print
241 print
'<td class="center">'.price2num($obj->remise_percent).
242 print
'<td class="left">'.$obj->note.
243 print
'<td align="center"><a href="'.DOL_URL_ROOT.
' '.$obj->login.
248 print
'<tr><td colspan="8" class="opacitymedium">'.$langs->trans(
260 print
'<div class="fichehalfright">';
267 $sql =
"SELECT rc.rowid, rc.remise_supplier as remise_percent, rc.note, rc.datec as dc,";
268 $sql .=
" u.login, u.rowid as user_id";
269 $sql .=
"societe_remise_supplier as rc, ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX.
"user as u";
270 $sql .=
" WHERE rc.fk_soc = ".((int) $object->id);
271 $sql .=
" AND rc.entity IN (".getEntity(
272 $sql .=
" AND u.rowid = rc.fk_user_author";
273 $sql .=
" ORDER BY rc.datec DESC";
275 $resql = $db->query($sql);
277 print
'<table class="noborder centpercent">';
279 print
'<tr class="liste_titre">';
280 print
'<td width="160">'.$langs->trans(
281 print
'<td width="160" align="center">'.$langs->trans(
282 print
'<td class="left">'.$langs->trans(
283 print
'<td class="center">'.$langs->trans(
285 $num = $db->num_rows(
289 $obj = $db->fetch_object(
290 print
'<tr class="oddeven">';
291 print
292 print
'<td class="center">'.price2num($obj->remise_percent).
293 print
'<td class="left">'.$obj->note.
294 print
'<td align="center"><a href="'.DOL_URL_ROOT.
' '.$obj->login.
299 print
'<tr><td colspan="8" class="opacitymedium">'.$langs->trans(
if(!defined('NOREQUIRESOC')) if(!defined('NOREQUIRETRAN')) if(!defined('NOTOKENRENEWAL')) if(!defined('NOREQUIREMENU')) if(!defined('NOREQUIREHTML')) if(!defined('NOREQUIREAJAX')) llxHeader()
Empty header.
Class to manage third parties objects (customers, suppliers, prospects...)
societe_prepare_head(Societe $object)
Return array of tabs to used on pages for third parties cards.
if(isModEnabled('facture') &&!empty($user->rights->facture->lire)) if((isModEnabled('fournisseur') &&empty($conf->global->MAIN_USE_NEW_SUPPLIERMOD) && $user->hasRight("fournisseur", "facture", "lire"))||(isModEnabled('supplier_invoice') && $user->hasRight("supplier_invoice", "lire"))) if(isModEnabled('don') &&!empty($user->rights->don->lire)) if(isModEnabled('tax') &&!empty($user->rights->tax->charges->lire)) if(isModEnabled('facture') &&isModEnabled('commande') && $user->hasRight("commande", "lire") &&empty($conf->global->WORKFLOW_DISABLE_CREATE_INVOICE_FROM_ORDER)) $resql
Social contributions to pay.
if($cancel &&! $id) if($action=='add' &&! $cancel) if($action=='delete') if($id) $form
dol_banner_tab($object, $paramid, $morehtml='', $shownav=1, $fieldid='rowid', $fieldref='ref', $morehtmlref='', $moreparam='', $nodbprefix=0, $morehtmlleft='', $morehtmlstatus='', $onlybanner=0, $morehtmlright='')
Show tab footer of a card.
load_fiche_titre($titre, $morehtmlright='', $picto='generic', $pictoisfullpath=0, $id='', $morecssontable='', $morehtmlcenter='')
Load a title with picto.
dol_get_fiche_head($links=array(), $active='', $title='', $notab=0, $picto='', $pictoisfullpath=0, $morehtmlright='', $morecss='', $limittoshow=0, $moretabssuffix='')
Show tabs of a record.
dol_escape_htmltag($stringtoescape, $keepb=0, $keepn=0, $noescapetags='', $escapeonlyhtmltags=0)
Returns text escaped for inclusion in HTML alt or title tags, or into values of HTML input fields.
price2num($amount, $rounding='', $option=0)
Function that return a number with universal decimal format (decimal separator is '.
dol_print_error($db='', $error='', $errors=null)
Displays error message system with all the information to facilitate the diagnosis and the escalation...
img_object($titlealt, $picto, $moreatt='', $pictoisfullpath=false, $srconly=0, $notitle=0)
Show a picto called object_picto (generic function)
Return tab footer of a card.
setEventMessages($mesg, $mesgs, $style='mesgs', $messagekey='')
Set event messages in dol_events session object.
GETPOST($paramname, $check='alphanohtml', $method=0, $filter=null, $options=null, $noreplace=0)
Return value of a param into GET or POST supervariable.
restrictedArea(User $user, $features, $object=0, $tableandshare='', $feature2='', $dbt_keyfield='fk_soc', $dbt_select='rowid', $isdraft=0, $mode=0)
Check permissions of a user to show a page and an object.