file | supplier_invoice.php |
| Setup to admin supplier invoices.
file | supplier_order.php |
| Page d'administration-configuration du module Fournisseur.
file | purchasesjournal.php |
| , ,
file | box_factures_fourn_imp.php |
| Fichier de gestion d'une box des factures fournisseurs impayees.
file | box_graph_invoices_supplier_permonth.php |
| Box to show graph of invoices per month.
file | box_graph_orders_supplier_permonth.php |
| Box to show graph of orders per month.
file | modFournisseur.class.php |
| Description and activation file for the module Supplier.
file | pdf_canelle.modules.php |
| Class file to generate the supplier invoices with the canelle model.
file | modules_facturefournisseur.php |
| File that contains parent class for supplier invoices models and parent class for supplier invoices numbering models.
file | pdf_cornas.modules.php |
| File of class to generate suppliers orders from cornas model.
file | pdf_muscadet.modules.php |
| File of class to generate suppliers orders from muscadet model.
file | modules_commandefournisseur.php |
| File that contains parent class for supplier orders models and parent class for supplier orders numbering models.
file | pdf_standard.modules.php |
| Class file to generate the supplier invoice payment file with the standard model.
file | card.php |
| ,
file | fournisseur.class.php |
| ,
file | fournisseur.commande.class.php |
| ,
file | fournisseur.commande.dispatch.class.php |
| This file is an example for a CRUD class file (Create/Read/Update/Delete) Initialy built by build_class_from_table on 2015-02-24 10:38.
file | fournisseur.facture.class.php |
| ,
file | paiementfourn.class.php |
| ,
file | index.php |
| Home page of supplier's orders area.
file | list.php |
| List of purchase orders.
file | contact.php |
| Liste des contacts fournisseurs.
file | card.php |
| ,
file | contact.php |
| ,
file | document.php |
| ,
file | info.php |
| ,
file | list.php |
| ,
file | paiement.php |
| ,
file | index.php |
| Home page of suppliers area.
file | card.php |
| ,
file | document.php |
| ,
file | info.php |
| ,
file | list.php |
| ,
file | recap-fourn.php |
| Page de fiche recap supplier.