dolibarr  x.y.z
Module agenda

Module to manage agenda and events. More...


file  agenda.php
 Autocreate actions for agenda module setup page.
file  agenda_extrafields.php
 Page to setup extra fields of agenda.
file  agenda_extsites.php
 Page to setup external calendars for agenda module.
file  agenda_other.php
 Autocreate actions for agenda module setup page.
file  agenda_reminder.php
 Page to setup agenda reminder options.
file  agenda_xcal.php
 Page to setup miscellaneous options of agenda module.
file  resource_extrafields.php
 Page to setup extra fields of resource.
file  card.php
 Page for event card.
file  actioncomm.class.php
 File of class to manage agenda events (actions)
file  actioncommreminder.class.php
 This file is a CRUD class file for ActionCommReminder (Create/Read/Update/Delete)
file  cactioncomm.class.php
 File of class to manage type of agenda events.
file  ical.class.php
 File of class to parse ical calendars.
file  document.php
 Page of documents linked to actions.
file  index.php
 Home page of calendar events.
file  info.php
 Page des informations d'une action.
file  list.php
 Page to list actions.
file  pertype.php
 Tab of calendar events per type.
file  peruser.php
 Tab of calendar events per user.
file  modAgenda.class.php
 Description and activation file for the module agenda.
file  interface_50_modAgenda_ActionsAuto.class.php
 Trigger file for agenda module.
file  interface_90_modSociete_ContactRoles.class.php
 Trigger file for company - contactroles.
file  agendaexport.php
 Page to export agenda Other parameters into url are: &notolderthan=99 &year=2015 &id=..., &idfrom=..., &idto=...
file  agenda_extsites.php
 Page to setup external calendars for agenda module.

Detailed Description

Module to manage agenda and events.